I did miss your point, I thought you felt it was a bad program.
I agree with you on your point. One reason must be the commitment level - most Americans hate commitment. Then the pay.... my dad got out after 12 years because of pay and affirmative action. We where pretty damn poor while he was serving.
The training is actually very good - my cousin is in the Navy and is training for things that will make him a valuable asset to the civilian world - my dad trained in electronics and computers, has made a good living in that field ever since.
I would say that those who cannot afford Harvard see the value in Military service. Many of my "poor white" buddies have or are serving.
I remember hearing one sailor on a carrier being interviewed: he was given the choice of service or jail, and he chose service.
I was a-m-a-z-e-d to hear him say that he was miserable--that being on the carrier was almost as bad as being in jail.
With all the interesting machinery and spectacle all around him--what a hopelessly dull mind the fellow must have to perfer being back in the 'hood.