The more that the lefties attack, the more they make Rush a sacrificial lamb. The more they push, the better Rush gets. They will do anything to bring him down. They have no earthly idea about what is behind him. The poor bastards, they are being led to the slaughter!
Did you notice how the Democrat mouse who wrote this editorial threw the above sentence in there as if the reader would simply believe it without question? No sale. Any decent author would cite a couple of examples, preferrably direct quotes, which demonstrate Limbaugh's "ridicule" of "citizens who claimed that their constitutional rights had been violated by police and prosecutors".
I suspect there are no quotes because none exist.
Limbaugh believes in the Constitution, the same one which all Leftists despise. The one with the Fourth Amendment which is supposed to protect him from witchhunts such as this. How is demanding his rights be protected a "lurch to the left"?