To those that celebrate Hanukkah, Happy Hanukkah!
To Christians Merry Christmas!
To ALL, Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!
My daughter is only 4 1/2. She doesn't understand any of this. She's oblivious. She does know to be "careful" but can't figure out who is a "good" person and who is a "bad" person. She believes they should "look" a certain way. sigh ... .
I dread telling her about this crap - terror alerts and why people hate us. I wish I could give her my childhood. I fell bad for little kids today. It's a much different world than the 50's that I started out in.
Keep her and protect her as you always have, nmh. I agree with you, and feel sorry for the kids these days for what they have to put up with. I guess the early kids of the late 50's/early 60's had similar fears with bomb shelters and Cuban missiles.
May God bless your little girl and shroud her, you, and your family with His love and protection this Christmas season.
I hear you. I keep thinking that it will never be 'green' again. We will always be on some level of alert.
Alas, I am one of those post 9/11 people, for whom the world has changed forever. It never leaves me.