WSEE ^ | DEc. 21, 2003 | WSEE News
Posted on 12/21/2003 1:06:51 AM PST by FairOpinion
Terror Alert to Truckers
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security along with the American Trucking Associations has issued a warning to all motor carriers warning of a possible terrorist attack involving the trucking industry in the Lake Erie region.
A report distributed to trucking companies in the region on both sides of the border, states DHS has made "observations over the last months, increasing in frequency over recent weeks, of certain types of activity that may represent the characteristic operational acts of active terrorist planning."
According to Today's Truckers, possibilities include the involvement of fuel and chemical tanker operations, or in the vicinity of fuel and chemical production and storage facilities and terminals in the Lake Erie area, as well as North and South Carolina.
All companies with such operations are being asked to review perimeter and access security procedures and effectiveness, and report any suspicious activity.
Is this the ONLY reason it was elevated or just special caution to these folks?
Just a specialised warning to folks in the trucking industry in that area.