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Ridge to raise Terror Alert, news conf. 1:30 pm Eastern
Fox News-TV
Posted on 12/21/2003 9:34:27 AM PST by putupon
announcement, nothing furthur
TOPICS: Breaking News; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: alqaeda; defconernie; homelandsecurity; orange; orangealert4; shieldsup; turbanalert; waronterror; wot
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The real reason is that they are Johhny-One-Notes, who are angry at Mr. Ridge for not machine-gunning those (brown-skinned) women and children at the (Southern) border.
To: SierraWasp
look where that kinda thinking got saddam!
posted on
12/21/2003 10:13:16 AM PST
To: spookycc
Unless they've always had black-clad, helmeted, weapon-carrying teams at Wall & Broad.Uh...those were stock brokers. It makes it easier to extort your retirement funds.
To: goodnesswins
They were not very specific on the CBS radio news report. I think they noticed a similar pattern of unusual activity in the futures market - similar to the activity the before Sept. 11, 2001.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:13:18 AM PST
This would be why:
Guaranteed overtime pay for the unionized TSA drone always comes in handy this time of year.
No, they are not above scaring people needlessly to gain money and power.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:13:26 AM PST
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: spokeshave
I'm giving ammo this ChristmasIf any terrorists come looking for gifts, I'll be giving them ammo as well. :)
posted on
12/21/2003 10:13:47 AM PST
To: Catspaw
In my family, it would make you a "gun whacko". Not joking.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:14:01 AM PST
To: Miss Marple
The poeple who are mocking Tom Ridge and HS are memebers of the Nuke Mecca and Medina Club. Their one-size-fits-all solutions are silly, but make great bumper stickers.
To: LurkedLongEnough
I'm so sick of people asking this question.Geez. Why didn't I think of going to the Red Cro$$ site for all the answers?
Cut back on the coffee. It's making you hysterical.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:14:22 AM PST
(What were you thinking, Al?)
To: Miss Marple; RobFromGa
" I don't know about you, but I am getting really tired of people mocking Tom Ridge and Homeland Security."
Add me to the list that doesn't find elevated terror chatter and threats- hilarious.Regardless of the messenger.
To: Catspaw
It means that your female relatives do not travel in the same circles as my nieces. LOL!
To: relee; snopercod; Grampa Dave; Dog Gone
Check out who's heavily "shorting" Airline or Energy Stocks, etc. We didn't ever uncover who did that on 9-10-01!!!
posted on
12/21/2003 10:14:40 AM PST
(Any elected official or citizen that supports illegal aliens is nothing but a worthless scoff-law!!!)
To: Pubbie
I sort of agree, but look at the flipside, if he actually came out and said "watch for middle eastern looking women who appear to wearing heavy coats", the bomber would probably dress up as a biker to detonate the device. there really is no perfect way to issue a warning like that to the public.
To: JackRyanCIA
Whistling through the grave yard, so to speak.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:14:59 AM PST
To: relee
"unusual activity in the futures market"
Year end book squaring,
and rolling from December to March Futures
To: Toespi
I'm with you. I personally think it is irresponsible to not take the alert program seriously. It is all we have and frankly the best the government can do to notify us of danger. I haven't heard of any other ideas and until I do I plan on respecting the program. You're right.
And those of us who support raising the alert level to Orange have agreed to mount "Ernie" dolls on the grills of our vehicles to publicly show our support and as a rebuke to those who scoff at terror alerts
To: John H K
Eh, nothing to worry about, IMHO.In my head I know you are exactly right in your observations. But in my heart I still wonder.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:15:55 AM PST
(What were you thinking, Al?)
To: John Beresford Tipton
Friday was a triple-witching day too.
posted on
12/21/2003 10:16:34 AM PST
To: RobFromGa
Rob.... You are right, we really should take this warning seriously. I think, though, that there is a lot of frustration out there among those of us that think there is a LOT more that they should be doing for homeland security that they refuse to do...and this causes all this silly (nervous) joking around.... not good, but just human nature.
Until the rest is done, then all the code oranges and duct tape will not keep us safe. They need to stop ALL illegal entry at the borders, send ALL illegals home, and "profile" a bit during searches, for a start.
By-the-way..... A Merry Christmas to you and your family from your FReep McKinney buddy. :)
posted on
12/21/2003 10:16:59 AM PST
Apple Pan Dowdy
(... as American as Apple Pie)
To: SierraWasp
we likely did, it was the Saudis, that's why it was never publicized.
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