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Fox5 Atlanta says Col West won't be prosecuted
Fox5 Atlanta ^
| Dec 9, 2003
| Fox5 Atlanta
Posted on 12/09/2003 7:04:47 PM PST by mikegi
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To: Conspiracy Guy
Only leaders stand up and take responsibility for their actions.
posted on
12/10/2003 7:03:21 AM PST
(Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.)
To: mikegi they ought to drum out of the service the a**hole JAG who put the Wests through such hell in the first place.
To: montag813
posted on
12/10/2003 7:09:54 AM PST
(40% of Californians are as dumb as a sack of rocks.)
To: Calpernia
True! I wonder how crow tastes.
posted on
12/10/2003 7:29:44 AM PST
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance can be corrected with knowledge. Stupid is permanent.)
To: Calpernia
Col. West is a hero ~ Bump!
posted on
12/10/2003 7:52:34 AM PST
To: Conspiracy Guy
Sad thing is, I even checked back to a few posts they left. One of them wanted an apology when we were proven wrong.
I don't see them giving us an apology since now that they are the ones wrong.
posted on
12/10/2003 7:57:43 AM PST
(Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.)
To: blackie
I agree! Col. West is a Hero! Putting him out of the Military is a BAD Thing! We need to keep people like Col. West in the Military as long as they are willing to sacrifice to defend our country.
Giving him anything less than a MEDAL is an Outrage!
posted on
12/10/2003 8:23:18 AM PST
(Ride Hard and far! ..... and with GPS, Know where you are!)
To: archy
I'm artillery, you have to speak up!
Don't shout, I'm not deaf!
/ joke.
They're dropping the PC charges against him?
posted on
12/10/2003 8:27:31 AM PST
(I'm experiencing a negative reality inversion.)
To: Calpernia
Big mouths without principle. If I'm wrong I apologize that is part of being a man or woman of honor. But they will consider that they are right so it's a moot point. I wonder if Crow Gumbo is good?
posted on
12/10/2003 8:27:31 AM PST
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance can be corrected with knowledge. Stupid is permanent.)
To: RamingtonStall
I agree with you ~ LTC West seems to okay with this.
posted on
12/10/2003 8:32:52 AM PST
To: mdmathis6
so the JAG was a she....I wondered about that based on how they tried to rail-road him!WOW...who would have guessed it was a woman-pencil warrior behind this spectacle. I've been wondering why the name of the JAG officer who started this mess has been kept secret. I mean every officer involved in this case has been named except the female officers who created the problem situation and started this inquisition. Everywhere you turn you find that the phony female soldiers are causing problems and weakening moral and our ability to fight this war. I'd sure like to know what kind of credentials this woman had who decided to take out one of our own: she just did the work for our enemy. The net result from her actions was the "killing off" of LTC West -just like our enemy wanted. Thanks Lady!
posted on
12/10/2003 8:33:28 AM PST
(From where the sun now sits, I will fight on -FOREVER!)
To: mikegi
Thank God!
posted on
12/10/2003 8:51:15 AM PST
(The Left have blood on their hands!)
To: XJarhead; GladesGuru
First off X, there's no such thing as an 'ex' marine.
An 'ex' marine is a dead marine.
And you're still breathing, so I'm assuming you're not dead.
Secondly, if that's the way things are supposed to work, that a soldier gets punished for protecting the lives of his men from fanatical death cultists, then we do NOT deserve to win and this country does not deserve to exist.
If that is the way it's supoosed to be, then we have already lost and deserve to be slaves for all eternity.
I don't know what PC BS you're selling there X, but at least the rest of us understand what is wrong with it.
Glades, I agree with you on that one.
I'd rather see 300,000 LTC Wests in boots than the PC morons who went to prosecute him for thinking about the lives of his men.
posted on
12/10/2003 9:04:18 AM PST
(I'm experiencing a negative reality inversion.)
To: Darksheare
posted on
12/10/2003 9:24:24 AM PST
(40% of Californians are as dumb as a sack of rocks.)
"The JAG that brought charges against Lt. Colonel West should be taken to the wood shed himself."
That Jagoff should under go a current background check to see if he/she/it is really with us or against us.
It was probably a Clintoonian holdover, who hates good America Warriors and worked 24/7 to impede our warriors with outrageous charges like it filed against Lt. Colonel West.
posted on
12/10/2003 9:48:25 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(George Soros, the Evil Daddy Warbucks, has owned the Demonic Rats for decades!)
To: mikegi
He was relieved of his command. Did they say if he would be discharged, accept retirement, or reamin in the military with a new command?
To: MJY1288
Thank you Mike.
We all owe Lt Col West a big thank you for his service to America.
posted on
12/10/2003 9:55:26 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(George Soros, the Evil Daddy Warbucks, has owned the Demonic Rats for decades!)
To: Grampa Dave
posted on
12/10/2003 10:03:04 AM PST
(40% of Californians are as dumb as a sack of rocks.)
To: Publius6961; Jeff Head
LTC West is the type of military expert Fox News likes to hire, like Ollie North.
I'm sure that when he gets out of the army officially that Fox News would be glad to hear from him.
Dang, how did I guess that the Jagoff might have been a she or an it. Most of the female Jagoffs fast promoted in the Clintoon years hate any male warrior with integrity, ability, balls and testosterone. They did their best to chase these warriors out of the military like with the infamous tail hook sham.
posted on
12/10/2003 10:10:03 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(George Soros, the Evil Daddy Warbucks, has owned the Demonic Rats for decades!)
To: Grampa Dave
I believe he will have many opportunities to take advantage of. He is a man of faith and a man of integrity, courage and commitment. Those are still much needed qualities today...and sought after by like minded people.
I posted a thread this morning on his response to me today regarding this...HERE
I'll BUMP it to you.
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