That is because you are young and foolish. You may indeed have a right to pursue happiness (and perhaps love as a part of that happiness), but there is no guarantee of actually obtaining the goal. If you must take something that does not belong to you in order for you to feel "love", or harm another to feel "love", then clearly any such right does not extend to such actions. And unfortunately for the sodomites, they are taking something that doesn't belong to them when they attempt to claim the sacrament of marriage.
This is America and in this wonderful country there can be no discrimination in the laws...can there?
Of course there can. Laws must discriminate; otherwise they are intrinsically unjust. Criminal laws much discriminate between the innocent and the guilty. Tort laws must discriminate between who has been unjustly injured and those who are responsible for that injury. Civil laws must discriminate based on a variety of factors if justice is to be found in the courts.
Just to remind the people of this country...there was along time ago a decision that church could no longer influence the State
No there wasn't. There was a decision made that Congress could not recognize a particular establishment of religion, or prohibit its free exercise. To suggest that religion cannot influence government is to suggest that only the amoral are suitable for roles in government, a condition that would rapidly create the worst of tyrannies.
If we as a country are to shape the world, we must learn to get over the morality of the Bible and move on with the government.
Civilization is a very fragile thing. If you were not so ignorant of history, you would know what happens when the veneer of religious morality is stripped from government. If you insist upon endeavoring toward such a path, I suggest you obtain a good winter coat; it gets very cold in the death camps.
Homosexuality is a healthy and normal feeling that we as humans have gone through for centuries
Wanting to make something true doesn't make it true. The fact is that homosexuality is not healthy; one need only look at statistics to prove that point.
Why now is it wrong to be happy? Many cultures have expressed acceptance to it,
This is true. But none of them survived such acceptance for very long and retained their civilization.
Why do you have the right to marry and not homosexuals?
Heterosexuals do not have the right to marry either. It is not a right; it is a privilege. From a religious perspective, man did not create marriage; God did. Thus, it is His intellectual property, and His to do with as He sees fit. If you deny the existence of the Deity, then the issue becomes even more clear, since it is only the whim of the state that determines what "rights" you have, and if the state denies you the privilege of marriage (or grants it, as in what may be the case soon in MA) then so be it.
It is not right and in our Constitution, does it not say the people have the right to be happy.
No, it does not say that anywhere at all in the Constitution (a document I suspect you have never read).
Whether or not you yourself believe that it is the right thing to do, does not matter in how the laws must be written. Thus, I must profess that you need to GET OVER IT!!!
If rights are endowed by the Creator, then marriage exists only as He has ordained it, between a man and a woman. If those rights do not come from the Creator, then they are an artifact of the state, and since the state is an invention of the people then the people have a retained power to establish the institution of marriage as they see fit, and may direct government to set rules and regulations to enforce their (perhaps arbitrary in your opinion) will.
Worth repeating.