I have not a clue what went on behind the scenes, and actually I didn't really analyze it; just reported what I saw happen on the tube since there were probably all of 50 people in the country watching at that point lol.
My point is simply that there was vote changing in the end by Republicans (in response to pressure from Bush), and without the vote changing the bill would have failed (sigh).
You are still missing the point. Between 3:00 a.m. and 5:53 a.m. there WERE two Republicans who switched from "nay" to "aye." But there were ALSO two Republicans who switched from "aye" to "nay." I don't know how your math works, but in mine, if you subtract 2 from 2 you get zero.
For the third time, as I said originally, the vote changes that passed this bill occurred SOLELY on the Democrat side of the aisle. Democrat votes for the bill went up during that period from 12 "aye" to 16 "aye," and that's what passed the bill. If you were watching in detail, that is what you saw.
John / Billybob