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Why Six Days? (Six Days of Creation, Literal Days or Era's.
Koinonia House ^ | 11/15/2003 | Dr. Chuck Missler

Posted on 11/15/2003 10:50:03 PM PST by bondserv

Part One of a Series:
Why Six Days?
by Chuck Missler

The Book of Genesis presents a disturbing problem for many Bible-believing Christians. Did God really create the heaven and the earth in just six 24-hour days? How does a serious student of the Torah - the five books of Moses - reconcile the Genesis account with the "billions of years" encountered in the dictums of astronomy, geology, et al?

Many continue to attempt to circumvent the problem by assuming that the six days represent "geological eras," or that the traditional text is simply a rhetorical "framework" for a literary summary of the creative process. Various forms of "theistic evolution" have been contrived in attempts to reconcile the Biblical text with the various theories and conjectures which dominate our evolution-based society.

However, the sincere student cannot escape the confrontations which result from the straightforward reading of the text with the ostensible declarations of "science." How can we deal with these fundamental issues?

Why Is It So Critical?

There are four basic questions that confront all of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going when I die?

And your eternal destiny will be determined by your "world view" in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world-views: either everything - including you - is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer.

This issue could not be more fundamental to everything. It comes as a shock to many to discover that every major theme and doctrine in the Bible has its roots in this "Book of Beginnings": sovereign election; salvation, justification by faith, believer's security, separation, disciplinary chastisement, the Divine Incarnation, the "rapture" of the church, death and resurrection, the priesthoods (both Aaronic and Melchizedekian), the Antichrist, and even the Palestinian Covenant that is being challenged by the continuing tensions throughout the world today all have their roots in this critical foundational book of the Bible. And each of these issues also has its consummation in the Book of (the) Revelation. (Like every good textbook, the answers are always in the back!)

Who Really Wrote the Torah?

There are those who have suggested the books of Moses were actually compilations by a number of redactors over the years - the common "Documentary Hypothesis" being one of the most prevalent theories. Fortunately, these previously popular notions have been thoroughly shredded by competent scholarship. But allow me to save you many hours of boring library research. I know who wrote the Books of Moses: Moses did. How do I know? Jesus Christ Himself said so! Many times.1

Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? - John 5:45-47

Jesus quotes from each of the books of the Torah and attributes them each to Moses. The New Testament includes 165 direct quotes (and over 200 allusions) to the Book of Genesis, and over 100 of these are from the first 11 chapters. These include the Creator and the creation, 2 (and allusions3), creation of man and woman,4 the fall of man,5 the Flood of Noah,6 etc. So if you believe in Jesus Christ, you have no problem as to who wrote the Book of Genesis. (And if you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you have much bigger problems than the authorship of Genesis!)

But "Six Days"?

The account of the creation of the universe in six days still is a "bone in the throat" to many Christians. Many point out that the word for "day" is yom

, and is translated to 54 other words; however, 1181 of 1480 occurrences it is "day," and when used with a number it is always a literal day. But the real problem isn't the account in Genesis. It is in Exodus. In the middle of the Ten Commandments, the Creator Himself wrote it with His own finger in stone!

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. - Exodus 20:11

It is undeniable that God intended us to understand that it was, indeed, six literal days. So how do we deal with the common understanding that "billions of years" was involved? How do we deal with the astronomical distances of millions of "light years" between the galaxies of the universe? Can anyone familiar with the discoveries of modern science take the Genesis account seriously?

It may come as a pleasant surprise to discover that the more you know about modern science - the real physics, not the mythology and conjectures that masquerade as "science" - the more you can take the Biblical text seriously. The Lord always rewards the diligent. (A recent book includes articles by fifty top scientists - from many different fields of specialization - who declare why they believe in a literal six-day creation. 7)

The Nature of Time

One of the many advantages that 20th century science has given us is that, thanks to Dr. Albert Einstein's brilliant discoveries, we now know that time is a physical property and is subject to mass, acceleration, and gravity. We have come to realize that we live in a four-dimensional continuum properly known as "space-time." (This is what Paul seems to imply in his letter to the Ephesians!8) It is interesting that when one takes the apparent 1012 expansion factor involved in the theories of the "expanding universe," that an assumed 16 billion years reduce to six days!

Furthermore, the astronomical timetables now seem to be entirely overturned with the reluctant acknowledgments that the speed of light is not longer regarded as the constant that the high priests of physics had been previously convinced of.

The Nature of Light

Not only have recent scientific articles highlighted the discoveries that the speed of light has changed over the centuries (something that Barry Setterfield has been declaring for decades) the very nature of light has ripped open the entire world of quantum physics that has shattered our concepts of reality itself.

The changes in the velocity of light not only impacts our understanding of the astronomical distances and properties, it affects the atomic behavior involved in the red shift of spectra, the reliability of radiological dating, etc. It is the peculiar properties of photons themselves that continue to astonish the quantum physicists wrestling with the very nature of our physical existence. It is now recognized that subatomic particles lack a property known as "locality." All subatomic particles are now understood to be immediately connected. There is a simultaneity - a "non-locality" - among all photons that has been confirmed in the laboratory. It now appears that our entire universe may actually be a gigantic hologram of some kind. 9

The Fabric of Space

Most of us assume that space is simply an empty vacuum with nothing "in it." However, it is increasingly evident that even empty space has astonishing properties that have yet to be fully understood. We now know that this "firmament,"(raqia) which the Scripture presents, possesses electromagnetic properties including dielectric permittivity, magnetic permeability, an intrinsic impedance,10 and has an astonishing "zero-point" energy sufficient to keep all the electrons in the entire universe in their orbits.11 The term "stretching the heavens" appears at least 17 times in the Scriptures.12

According to the Scriptures, the heavens can be "torn,"13 "worn out" like a garment,14 "shaken,"15 "burnt up,"16 "split apart" like a scroll,17 rolled up" like a mantle 18 or a scroll.19

The concept of being "rolled up" carries some additional insights. There must be some dimension in which space is "thin." If space can be "bent," there must be a direction it can be bent toward. Thus, this tells us that there must be additional dimensions beyond those of space itself. It is now understood that we live in even more than four dimensions: ten dimensions is the current estimate (which is precisely what Nachmonides concluded in his commentary on Genesis back in the 13th century!) The more we understand from the current perspectives of modern physics, the more comfortable we are with the chronicle in Genesis One.

The Architecture of the Solar System

The more we study our solar system, the more questions get raised. Here, too, the prevailing assumptions that are broadly taught are totally specious. The "Nebular Hypothesis," that the planets were somehow thrown off by the sun, is mathematically untenable. There is no plausible explanation that would support a solar origin of the planets. The sun contains 99.86% of all the mass of the solar system, and yet contains only 1.9% of the angular momentum. The nine planets contain 98.1%. Furthermore, the outer planets are far larger than the inner ones. (Jupiter is 5,750 times as massive as mercury, 2,958 times as massive as Mars, etc.)

There are many other provocative enigmas concerning our planetary history:

o There are three pairs of rapid-spin rates among our planets: Mars and Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, and Neptune and Uranus, are each within 3% of each other. Why?

o Earth and Mars have virtually identical spin axis tilts (about 23.5°). Why? (From angular momentum and orbital calculations, it would seem that the three pairs of these planets may have been brought here from elsewhere.)

o Why does Mars have 93% of its craters in one hemisphere and only 7% in the other? It would appear that over 80% occurred within a single half-hour!

It's almost as if God designed it to challenge any naturalistic hypotheses!

"Evening" and "Morning"?

The Hebrew terms, Erev,and Boker, now refer to "evening" and "morning" but their origins remain obscure. Erev

designates obscuration, mixture (increasing entropy). The time when encroaching darkness begins to deny the ability to discern forms, shapes, and identities; thus, it becomes a term for twilight or evening.20 This also marks the duration of impurity, when a ceremonially unclean person became clean again,21 and thus, the beginning of the Hebrew day.

Boker is a designation for becoming discernible, distinguishable, visible; perception of order; relief of obscurity (decreasing entropy). It thus is associated with being able to begin to discern forms, shapes, and distinct identities; breaking forth of light; revealing; hence, denotatively, dawn, morning. (As traditional designations for the Hebrew day, technically it would seem to only designate the nighttime hours, but it is used connotatively for the entire calendar day.)

It is noteworthy that neither of these are recorded on the seventh day, and thus their original significance may have been to designate the increments of creation.

Other Issues

There are other questions that arise from the Genesis narrative. When was the earth created? It seems to have preceded the rest of the universe. Surprisingly, there are some cosmologists that are (again) beginning to suspect that the universe may be geocentric after all! How did plants (3rd day) flourish without the sun's photosynthesis (4th day)? When were the angels created? (They apparently witnessed the events of Genesis 1.) 22 When did Satan fall? He had apparently already fallen by Chapter 3.

As we explore these, and other, enigmas that emerge from the Biblical text, let us not confuse the precision of the text with conjectures and mythology that pervades our pagan culture and uninformed classrooms. (It's tragic that we can't insist on evidence-based education for our children rather than the foolishness and dogma that continues to strip them of their God-fearing heritage.)

But the more acquainted you become with the amazing discoveries and insights from the frontiers of science - and are able to dismiss the nonsense that prevails among the uninformed - the more comfortable the Genesis text becomes! We plan to continue this series of articles in the unmitigated aspiration of stimulating you to dig ever deeper into God's inerrant Word!


  1. Matthew 8:4; 19:7,8; 23:2; Mark 1:44; 10:3,4; 7:10; Luke 5:14; 16:19, 31; 20:37; 24:27,44; John 3:14; 5:39,45,46; 6:32; 7:19, 22,23.
  2. Matthew 13:35; Mark 13:19; John 1:3; Acts 4:24; 14:15; Romans 1:20; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:10; 11:3.
  3. Romans 1:25; 16:25; Ephesians 3:9; 1 Timothy 4:4; Hebrews 2:10; 4:10; 9:26; James 3:9; Revelation 3:14; 4:11; 10:6; 14:7.
  4. Matthew 19:4-6, 8; Mark 10:6; Acts 17:26; 1 Corinthians 6:16; 11:8,9; Ephesians 5:31; 1 Timothy 2:13, 14; Revelation 2:7; 22:2, 14.
  5. Romans 5:11, 14, 17, 19; 8:19-20; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; 2 Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 20:2.
  6. Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5; 3:5-61.
  7. John F. Ashton, In Six Days , Master Books, Green Forest AR, 2001.
  8. Ephesians 3:18.
  9. Cf. "Information in the Holographic Universe," Scientific American , August 2003.
  10. Any radio ham that has had to tune an antenna array knows about the 377 ohms.
  11. It has been estimated at a staggering 1.071 x 10117 kilowatts per square meter!
  12. 2 Samuel 22:10; Job 9:8; 26:7; 37:18; Psalm 18:9; 104:2; 144:5; Isaiah 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12; 48:13; 51:13; Jeremiah 10:12; 51:15; Ezekiel 1:22; Zechariah 12:1.
  13. Isaiah 64:1.
  14. Psalm 102:25.
  15. Hebrews 12:26, Haggai 2:6, Isaiah 13:13.
  16. 2 Peter 3:12.
  17. Revelation 6:14.
  18. Hebrews 1:12.
  19. Isaiah 34:4.
  20. Proverbs 7:9; Jeremiah 6:4.
  21. Leviticus 15.
  22. Job 4:7.

TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: creation; evolution; god
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To: AZLiberty
I would also add that being spiritual beings, the Character of a man/woman is far more significant than what we know. Most importantly Christian character is not superior than non-Christians.

One benefit of Christians over non-Christians is the attribution of Jesus Christ's character to our account from a heavenly perspective. Another benifit is that we are no longer slaves to sin, for we have a right spiritual perspective via the Holy Spirit which indwells us and are legitamitly grieved by sin.

A person that has not been born again doesn't have the wholehearted desire to overcome those things they know are wrong. Christians continue to sin daily, but with time and fellowship with God the lure sin has becomes less and less attractive and Holyness replaces former failures.

These tools to a better life now, and a future with God in heaven, are available to all for the asking. The burden for us is light, for Christ begins a good work and is faithful to it's completion.
241 posted on 11/17/2003 9:33:30 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: Elsie
I've been unable to find this on the web. Would you post a link for me please?

Sadly no. Some things are not on the Web.
242 posted on 11/17/2003 9:44:01 AM PST by bluejay
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To: azhenfud
Ok Christ is our sabbath rest, you passed by the literal 6 day work week comparison to the 6 day creation reference.

Exo 20:8-11
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

(Emphasis mine and the Holy Spirit's) He does have a tendency of repeating things that He knows people are going to misconstrue. Like meticulously listing out each of the twelve tribes of Israel in the Book of Revelation to ensure the church wouldn't be confused about the baton being passed back to Israel for the tribulation time of "Jacobs Trouble". The church goes the way of Enoch and Elijah.

Hey it has happened before, what is the big deal. If God can propell a Galaxy 200,000 miles per second, and doesn't need Advil after doing it, why couldn't he rapture the entire church body.

Discussing God's word is so much FUN!! :-)

243 posted on 11/17/2003 9:47:24 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: AZLiberty
The same scientific principles have been applied to the understanding of the universe as to the understanding of semiconductor technology -- by people just as smart.They may be very intelligent. However, that does not give them clairvoyance. They can only see the now and guess what happened billions of years ago.
244 posted on 11/17/2003 9:50:06 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: AZLiberty
The same scientific principles have been applied to the understanding of the universe as to the understanding of semiconductor technology -- by people just as smart.

They may be very intelligent. However, that does not give them clairvoyance. They can only see the now and guess what happened billions of years ago.

245 posted on 11/17/2003 9:50:47 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: AZLiberty
The same scientific principles have been applied to the understanding of the universe as to the understanding of semiconductor technology -- by people just as smart.

They may be very intelligent. However, that does not give them clairvoyance. They can only see the now and guess what happened billions of years ago.

246 posted on 11/17/2003 9:50:49 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: Elsie
Well then: since even the great Roman Empire was drawn into His influence, just what DO you believe has caused the obviously illogical following of so many people (in the first century --dang! I can't even get away from Him there...) to worship and adore a blatent fabrication?


Can I draw you back to my ORIGINAL question???

I already replied to this - post 108. The gist of the reply was that there are two other religions with billion+ followers. So, the number of follows is not, necessarily, proof of correctness.
247 posted on 11/17/2003 9:50:51 AM PST by bluejay
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To: candeee
That's right. Creation began before the day was created. The sun wasn't giving light yet and the clocks weren't yet ticking.

Put as much time in the first verse as you like. We really have no way of knowing how long it was before the first day unless God uses science to teach us.

248 posted on 11/17/2003 10:00:36 AM PST by saint
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To: mcg1969
God has the power to keep plants alive on the entire surface of the earth without a sun for billions of years, but it is oh so confusing and unlike the way He communicates.

He can walk on water, physics is a point of reference for Him not a restriction. Therefore it is easy to believe He did it the way it reads. When is the last time you saw one man kill 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass. (Matrix: Reloaded excluded, I kept thinking of Samson in that park scene).
249 posted on 11/17/2003 10:00:58 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: bluejay
I already replied to this - post 108. The gist of the reply was that there are two other religions with billion+ followers. So, the number of follows is not, necessarily, proof of correctness.

Rational, freedom loving followers. Our God isn't capricious.

250 posted on 11/17/2003 10:04:12 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: saint; VadeRetro; RadioAstronomer
That's right. Creation began before the day was created. The sun wasn't giving light yet and the clocks weren't yet ticking.

Put as much time in the first verse as you like. We really have no way of knowing how long it was before the first day unless God uses science to teach us.

If have seriously considered this as an explaination for geologic dating, but then I met a man named VadeRetro. I knew then that I couldn't go down that road, for it would put me to much in line with the Vadester hisownself.

Don't tell him I said this.

251 posted on 11/17/2003 10:28:10 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: saint
"The sun wasn't giving light yet and the clocks weren't yet ticking."

I have my doubts that "the clock was ticking" until after this incident:

Gen Ch. 3 V. 22-24 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

I believe man became a "mortal" being at that instant, measured "time" as we know it commenced to be, and the "flaming sword" is the introduction of death to the physical body. Apparently there was a difference between the Adam who could walk with God in the cool of the day and the fallen Adam after his sentencing to the Curse.

252 posted on 11/17/2003 10:56:47 AM PST by azhenfud ("He who is always looking up seldom finds others' lost change...")
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To: bondserv
Consider what Peter says. IIPeter 3:8 But, beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

V. 10 But the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the "ELEMENTS" shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therin shall be burned up.

So the "day of the LORD" begins with the ending of this flesh "age" and v. 13 says "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for "new heavens and a new earth", wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Now back up to IIPeter 3:3 where the subject is "I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance;

2. That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, "Where is the promise of His coming?
for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the BEGINNING of the creation."

5. For this they WILLINGLY are IGNORANT of, that by the WORD of God the "heavens were of OLD", and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6. Whereby the WORLD that THEN "WAS", being overflowed with water, perished:

7. But the heavens and the earth which are "NOW" by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the "DAY" of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

Yet if you back up to II Peter 2, Peter keeps using that word "REMEMBRANCE"

II Peter 2 continues with subject of chapter 1 and similar to the book of JUDE.

II Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

5 "AND" spared not the "OLD WORLD", but saved Noah the with person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

What exact was "righteous" about Noah. Back to Genesis 6:9 after our Heavenly Father "for it repenteth ME that I have made "them. So what happened that cause our Heavenly Father to "repenteth" for making "MAN".

Note Christ Himself said that one of the signs of his coming would be the "days of Noe" (NOAH).

So back to what was "righteous" about Noah. Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Now this word "generations" is interesting = family history. This word "perfect = without blemish as to breed or pedigree.

Genesis 6:2 That the "sons of GOD" saw the daughters of "men" that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3. And the LORD said, "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that "he" also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

4. There were giants in the earth in those days: (Interesting word - giants)
and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare "children" to them, the same became mighty men which were of "OLD", MEN OF RENOWN.

So II Peter 2 is clear as to the subject matter and speaking to and about Noah and WHO was of "OLD".

II Peter 3 is not talking about Noah's flood, with those words of the "WORLD THAT THEN "WAS" being destroyed with a "FLOOD". Jeremiah 4:22

For MY people is foolish, they have not known ME; they are sottish (stupid) children and they have none understanding; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was "without form, and void; Genesis 1:2 "AND" the earth became without form, and void;

Jer. 4:23 cont'd and the heavens, and they had no light.

I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.

25 I beheld, and, lo, there was "NO MAN", and all the birds of the heavens were fled.

This is not talking about Noah's flood.

253 posted on 11/17/2003 11:13:29 AM PST by Just mythoughts
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To: bondserv
...seriously considered this as an explaination for geologic dating, but then I met a man named VadeRetro. I knew then that I couldn't go down that road, for it would put me to much in line with the Vadester hisownself.

Don't know VadeRetro and not sure I want to meet him, but I kinda get your drift.

Seriously, I never could understand why this is such an issue for so many Christians. I don't buy into evolutionism or a short history, but I don't see the need to prove or disprove either in order to reconcile my beliefs to the Bible. I admire the scientist who spends his life seeking the truth as much as I do any individual who is an honest seeker of scriptural truths. Honesty here describing someone who doesn't treat his preconceived notions as fact to be backed up by proof texts. That's the same attitude that gets scientists on the wrong track.

It appears to me that most of the people arguing for or against evolution (that's what this debate is really about) are from this camp, sidetracking honest scientific or Biblical inquiry.

Having said that, I must point out that there are very many credible scientists, Biblicists, and scientific Biblicists (or Biblical scientists). Their works can generally be found outside of this debate.

254 posted on 11/17/2003 11:19:51 AM PST by saint
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To: azhenfud; Elsie
Apparently there was a difference between the Adam who could walk with God in the cool of the day and the fallen Adam after his sentencing to the Curse.

Maybe. However:

Gen 2:8
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Gen 3:23
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

It seems that God formed Adam from the dust of the earth before the Garden of Eden was in existence. Eden, not the Garden of Eden, may have already been a geographical location before Adam's Creation. Then:

1 Cor 15:47-50
47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Elsie, this may speak somewhat to your post #207. It appears as if God created the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil after He created Adam.

255 posted on 11/17/2003 11:33:09 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: bondserv
Where's the problem. The scripture says that God doesn't reckon time as we do and that he SPOKE everything into existance. "let there be light" and there was light... ect.
The ones who have a problem with this are the legalists who don't feel good unless they can make themselves look smart by explaining that which they don't have answers for. They create philosophies to substitute for Scripture and when their philosophy runs aground seeking an answer to an intangible, we get handwringing over whether six days were days or millenia. There is no reason to believe that six days isn't six days. Science tells us yesterday that something causes cancer and today that it doesn't. Science is full of things it doesn't know and wants to be praised for the theories they discuss as though they were fact.

Science didn't invent the speed of light, they noted that there seem to be properties to it and then years later found that they could be wrong about it. Science didn't invent physical laws, they learned about them through observation. They didn't invent DNA and still don't know everything about it; but, they've written volumes about their observations. Observation and reporting is what science is supposed to be about. Theorizing is neither observation nor reporting.

Trouble exists not because facts run up against scripture; but, because theory does. Theory, not facts. Carbon dating runs aground on a fallacy in assumption that Science either caught and ignored or has willingly covered up. Their other methods have been calibrated against carbon dating. And when the observable runs aground against theory, one of two things happens, the theory is replaced with another theory that is slanted toward a given bias or the observable is considered an aberration - even if the observed thing is observeable repeatedly or on grand scale.

The problem isn't what God's word says. The problem is the inconvenience and chafing it causes some people. If you want to question God, you better get a bigger pair of britches.
256 posted on 11/17/2003 11:41:45 AM PST by Havoc (If you can't be frank all the time are you lying the rest of the time?)
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To: saint
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I enjoy your intellectual honesty.

I was just kidding about VadeRetro, despite him being my Evolutionary nemesis, he can be quite entertaining. You've got to see his transitional skull jpeg he got off Cartoon Network's website.;-)
257 posted on 11/17/2003 11:44:55 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: WackyKat
The first account is a chronological acount. The second follows the traditional wedding feast love story format with the life story of the man and woman in a more emotional format that rehashes the events in a personal impact style instead of a strictly logical chronology.
258 posted on 11/17/2003 11:49:24 AM PST by Geritol (Lord willing, there will be a later...)
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To: Havoc
The problem isn't what God's word says. The problem is the inconvenience and chafing it causes some people. If you want to question God, you better get a bigger pair of britches.

Or a Saudi Arabia sized vat of Petroleum Jelly.

259 posted on 11/17/2003 11:49:35 AM PST by bondserv (Alignment is critical.)
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To: bondserv
Science doesn't deal in absolute truth. Science deals in theories. Scientific theories are always subject to improvement. But science is cumulative -- the body of science grows to describe reality better and better. In many ways that your very life depends on, science is doing an excellent job. Although I'm not a cosmologist myself, I have confidence in cosmology to improve our understanding of the reality of the universe in the large.

Science isn't perfect. Scientists aren't perfect. Deal with it.

260 posted on 11/17/2003 12:00:09 PM PST by AZLiberty (Where Arizona turns for dry humor)
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