It is standard practice to get blood levels taken for vitamin D. The test you ask for is the 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Do not ask for the 1,25(OH)D. The reference levels are done by comparing the population as a whole and as you have read the population as a whole is low. That being said you can theoretically get too much D and A. You have to try hard taking natural supplements however. Here are two links:
Get the correct test and test until you get an optimum level. It is very hard to OD on supplements and would take many months of heavy use but it can be done. I take ~ 1 tbsp/day winter COD LIVER oil and 2 tbsp FISH oil/day summer. My levels are normal according to my doctor but getting records is next to impossible sometimes. (I haven't got my test from a month ago yet!).
Good luck reading up on this. A lot of the thinking is changing rapidly on D. Also if you are taking Cod Liver Oil make sure you are not loading up on A from other sources though Vitamin A is far less toxic in oil.
Oh also use cholechalciferol supplements not ergocalciferl. The Cholo is the natural type.
Incredible. Thanks, Guy!