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(1-17-99) THE CLINTON RAPE THAT WON'T BE FORGOTTEN - Congressman Reduced to Tears
NewsMax blast from the past
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| Limbacher
Posted on 11/08/2003 11:13:00 AM PST by doug from upland
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To: doug from upland
The traitor/rapist belongs behind bars, end of story.
posted on
11/08/2003 11:15:29 AM PST
Mr. Mojo
To: doug from upland
While the White House gleefully watches as Larry Flynt and James Carville blackmail GOP Senate trial managers with insider dirt, Republicans remain reluctant to release the bombshell Broaddrick material. Matthews said Henry Hyde has decided not to introduce any evidence substantiating Broaddrick's charge at trial. GOP: The Spineless Party.
posted on
11/08/2003 11:18:56 AM PST
Mr. Mojo
To: doug from upland
Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays told the New York Times it was "horrific". Since Chris Shays was one of the few Republicans to vote against all of the articles of impeachment, I would say this reinforces my view that he is one of the biggest @ssholes ever to serve in the U.S. government.
posted on
11/08/2003 11:20:28 AM PST
Alberta's Child
("To freedom, Alberta, horses . . . and women!")
Comment #5 Removed by Moderator
To: doug from upland
Tell the retards on Demonrat Underground to stick this story in their rolling machines and smoke it!
posted on
11/08/2003 11:31:11 AM PST
(The enemy is within!)
To: FormerLib
They never will face or admit what he has done. It was all made up by the VRWC to get rid of their guy. Their guy -- the sick psychopath who had 8 years to damage our nation. But surprise, he is still doing damage because he won't get off the stage. If Clinton admitted that he brutally bit and raped Juanita, they would forgive him. They are as sick as their hero.
posted on
11/08/2003 11:37:05 AM PST
doug from upland
(Why aren't the Clintons living out their remaining years on Alcatraz?)
To: doug from upland
Well, Chris Matthews, one of their liberal media darlines, isn't exactly a member of the VRWC and he seems sold on the credibility of the story.
But I agree with a previous poster, the GOP is largely spineless, as witnesses yet again by their refusal (Sen. Kyl excluded) to hammer Democrats on the leaked memo from earlier this week.
posted on
11/08/2003 11:43:24 AM PST
(Blessed are the cheesemakers.)
To: Mr. Mojo
Clinton will be arressted for a sex crime within the next five years. He is a sexual predator and he will strike again if he already hasn't.
posted on
11/08/2003 12:09:32 PM PST
((If you see ten troubles comin down the road, Nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.))
To: Akira
Any Republican who committed a RAPE at any time in his life would be run out of public life. Remember the Senator who had to resign the Senate for pestering women for dates and trying to kiss one in a closet (he stopped when they said no).
posted on
11/08/2003 12:12:37 PM PST
To: Williams
It takes a lot less than rape. Had a Republican made the "confederate flag" statement that Dean recently made, his head would be on a platter.
I'm not one who immediately jumps on any rumor that makes a Dem look bad, but this one is stunning. When Matthews calls a Dem a "vulture", you know you've hit a new low.
posted on
11/08/2003 12:17:09 PM PST
(Blessed are the cheesemakers.)
To: Akira
You said---"Well, Chris Matthews, one of their liberal media darlines, isn't exactly a member of the VRWC and he seems sold on the credibility of the story."
and Crissy Matthews said -- "Matthews added, "Clinton sounds like a vampire.""
Really strong words, huh!!! Matthews will fawn and laugh, and beg for a Clinton appearance on his show. Either alone or together, the Clinton's are a scheming, plotting, evil, and criminal pair.
And the media is guilty of negligencene and just as evil.
posted on
11/08/2003 12:18:03 PM PST
To: malia
The fact that businesses and organizations actually PAY Clinton to speak before them is just as evil.
posted on
11/08/2003 12:19:54 PM PST
((If you see ten troubles comin down the road, Nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.))
To: doug from upland
Says a lot that rats still idolize the scumbag.
To: Burkeman1
Clinton will be arressted for a sex crime within the next five years.Yeah, I've thought that myself. The rape, as Ms. Broadrick described it, was done by someone who has done this before. It was also even more insanely reckless than most rapes (just weeks before an election for Attorney General). Some who has done this before and who has that kind of craving for danger will surely strike again.
Look for it to happen in DC or NYC -- then we'll have another OJ-type trial, with Bill Clinton loving every minute as the central figure in the limelight unitl he's finally acquitted by a sympathetic jury.
To: Mr. Mojo
I understand the Congress also has an allegation that Clinton raped an unconcious 14 year old girl at one of Rogers drug parties when he was Governor.
To: 68skylark
From Juanita's description of events- Clinton knew exactley what he was doing- as if he had done it before. Want to know why Clinton never completed the Rhodes Scholar program? He won't release his records from his time there. Rumor is that he was forced to leave for sexually assaulting a woman there. He is rumored to have raped another woman while at Yale as well- another school for which he never released any grades or records. Clinton also never released any medical records as is standard practice for presidential candidates since the 60's. Drug addiction treatment? STD treatment?
We only know the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the Clintons. The revelations about him and his wife will make the revaltions about the real Kennedys seem tame.
posted on
11/08/2003 12:52:06 PM PST
((If you see ten troubles comin down the road, Nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.))
To: doug from upland
posted on
11/08/2003 12:52:16 PM PST
(Brought to you by The American Democratic Party, also known as Al Qaeda, Western Division.)
To: doug from upland
Can someone please refresh me as to why this information is locked up in the Ford buidling or whatever? Why isn't it published?
posted on
11/08/2003 1:11:18 PM PST
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
To: doug from upland
The reason this so little press is that ins characteristic of democrats to be rapists and druggies.
Their lifes philosophy is flawed so their lives cannot work.
Its huge when a conservative fails and does something wrong, even considered hypocritical.
Because we hold ourselves to higher standards and our life philosophy
posted on
11/08/2003 1:12:31 PM PST
Kay Soze
('Tis safer in the Suni triangle than in liberally controlled Los Angeles.)
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