Never said that. But many people who haven't served, don't know much about it and draw conclusions based on incomplete evidence.
...that I prefer to listen to Army brass...
First mistake. General or Flag officers in any branch are almost all politicians. Even the good ones are politicians to some extant and they have their agenda. PR for their particular branch, covering their butts, etc. W/ regards to Jessica Lynch, the brass has it's agenda.
"More people were killed stateside than in this war. Maybe all women should join the military so they'll be safe. "
This comment shows your lack of service (and I'm not being accusatory here, just stating a fact). I'm 27 and don't have anything against women in the service, but what I said about mixed boot camp, physical standards, etc. is true.
The brass screwed the pooch because it let an unprotected convoy venture into a dangerous area. Were there ANY crew-served weapons on this convoy?
Which is why I told Terrell that I prefer to listen to the brass on this subject. He insists on arguing with me about on this and another thread so I keep answering him. I have my opinion obviously, and it's not going to change due to the petty agendas of bashers.
First mistake. General or Flag officers in any branch are almost all politicians. Even the good ones are politicians to some extant and they have their agenda. PR for their particular branch, covering their butts, etc. W/ regards to Jessica Lynch, the brass has it's agenda.
I'm certainly not going to listen to you about it! lol You are a basher. I'll continue to listen to the career military brass with which I am in philosophical agreement on most things. This is the only subject I'll do that on, by the way, leave the generaling to the generals. On everything else politically I'll trust myself to minute detail.
This comment shows your lack of service (and I'm not being accusatory here, just stating a fact). I'm 27 and don't have anything against women in the service, but what I said about mixed boot camp, physical standards, etc. is true.
I was mostly joking. You bashers have no sense of humor. But it is true that we lost more women stateside to the enemy than over there.
The brass screwed the pooch because it let an unprotected convoy venture into a dangerous area. Were there ANY crew-served weapons on this convoy?
Dunno. That's for others to worry about.