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To: #3Fan; TheCrusader
"They can do the button-pushing jobs, that frees up more men for the infantry."

Are (or were you) even IN the military? I really don't mind women in the military at all. It makes changing in a tent a little uncomfortable; that's it. But some women (and some men too) aren't at all cut out for it.

TheCrusader is right. Mixed gender boot camps are a mess. Sharply reduced physical standards for women is wrong. And every member of the military that has even the remotest chance of meeting an enemy soldier should be able to competently and confidently wield a weapon. PR guys and gals in Washington can be the exception.

You're screaming at everyone here for having an 'agenda'; but what's yours? The brass really screwed the pooch with this one and they're trying to turn it into a propaganda victory.

Why wasn't the convoy protected? Why didn't the convoy commander turn his vehicles around in the desert outside of the town? What was the training regimen of the 507th?

241 posted on 11/07/2003 3:50:09 AM PST by jjm2111
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To: jjm2111
The brass really screwed the pooch with this one and they're trying to turn it into a propaganda victory.

Why wasn't the convoy protected? Why didn't the convoy commander turn his vehicles around in the desert outside of the town? What was the training regimen of the 507th?

This is another example why people are so upset with this over glorification of Jessie - it's media-driven pop gibberish. The real questions like the ones you've raised aren't addressed. That's the first thing I noticed when reading the official report. It stood out to me that they were undermanned, I mean the whole fighting force, not just the 507th. They did not have all the firepower you'd expect to protect the supply line. I don't know if this is the thread to get off into these issues, but the Jessie story and women in combat angle can be explored. One woman does not equal one man, so we actually have less of a fighting force over there than is being said.

244 posted on 11/07/2003 4:16:35 AM PST by Chief_Joe (From where the sun now sits, I will fight on -FOREVER!)
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To: jjm2111
Are (or were you) even IN the military?

Don't give me the "you have no right to speak of military matters since you never served" speech. I told Terrell I didn't want to discuss it and that I prefer to listen to Army brass about it it but he keeps starting the same fight with me so I answer him.

I really don't mind women in the military at all. It makes changing in a tent a little uncomfortable; that's it. But some women (and some men too) aren't at all cut out for it. TheCrusader is right. Mixed gender boot camps are a mess. Sharply reduced physical standards for women is wrong. And every member of the military that has even the remotest chance of meeting an enemy soldier should be able to competently and confidently wield a weapon. PR guys and gals in Washington can be the exception.

More people were killed stateside than in this war. Maybe all women should join the military so they'll be safe.

You're screaming at everyone here for having an 'agenda'; but what's yours? The brass really screwed the pooch with this one and they're trying to turn it into a propaganda victory.

The Washington Post screwed the pooch. My agenda is support for a POW who has sacrificed a lot for her country against those that are perpetually angry about something or another.

Why wasn't the convoy protected? Why didn't the convoy commander turn his vehicles around in the desert outside of the town? What was the training regimen of the 507th?

Dunno. He hasn't been attacked unfairly much so I don't know his story.

250 posted on 11/07/2003 5:42:07 AM PST by #3Fan
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