The new guardian is alarming---see post below found on Terri's fight (daily thread/updates):
Jay Wolfson, Dr.P.H., J.D
Environmental and Occupational Health
B.A., History,University of Illinois, Chicago 1973
M.A., History, New York University, 1974
M.P.H., Community Health Administration,
Indiana University, Bloomington 1975
Dr. P.H., Health Services Organizations,
University of Texas, Houston 1981
J.D., Law, Stetson University College of Law 1993
Wolfson the Guardian Ad Litium (sp?) is not even an M.D. a Medical Doctor M.P.H is Masters Degree in Public Health, the "administration" of health His P.h.D is again aobut healthcare Organizations, and then he is a Lawyer. This is the guy who is going to determin if Terri can be re-habilitated? This is a guy who makes his living by being published. in acedemia it is publish or perish.
If we all get on this we should be able to come up with some pre-disposition on his part. Just Google his name. I will work up this link - My father is an M.P.H [side joke. I was a little kid when my dad got his M.P.H. from Berkley, and everytime we would see a speed limit sigh=n 35MPH we would shout out Masters of Public Health!!] My dad recently ws awarded the equivenent of the "Lifetime Achievment Award" from the American Public Health Association, I'm sure you have all heard of it.
My dad was President of the APHA etc. So you can imagine my surproise when I looked at Wolfson's credentials and I'm sitting here realizing that his credentials on the face of it are not at all suited to the Gaurdian Ad Litim (again sp) responsibilites. I don't know about you but I just assumed he was an M.D.
I am with others who strongly feel that the money is the key. It was what brought down Nixon. Ben Bradley said "follow the money" and that is what I think we should be doing. I doubt if Wolfson has a money connection, but those other doctors and the Judges.
Oh another thing, why did the judge pick Wolfson? My dad was again a Nationally recognized consultant after he retired, actually he did a LOT of work in Florida, and he got his jobs by referral. Judges don't spend a lot of time to research and find the "best" candidates as the "exerts". They makse a few phone calls and it is who you know. Somehow there is a connection between the Judge who selected Wolfson and the Judge.
Sorry to brag so much about my dad but when I saw the M.P.H. I thought my personal background would have value. I'm going to work on Jay and I hope others follow. If we can find bias we need to dig theat up and sent it to Terri's lawyer. This could be used in an appeal. The guy isn't even an M.D. for crying out loud.
Just go to Google and typ in his name. Again I am already covering
550 posted on 11/01/2003 12:51 AM CST by Lone Voice in the hinterlands
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