Posted on 10/29/2003 5:27:39 AM PST by Mia T
Tag-Line Musings:
Permit me to highlight my Free Republic tag line; the acronym really is the message. Posted on 10/29/2003 6:35 AM EST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
The clintons have, for the last decade--most recently, behind (they would say "between" (as in "interregnal")) the scenes--set into motion the democrats' seemingly psychopathic--but certainly suicidal and seditious--undermining of America...
As the nine dwarfs labor mightily to render themselves unequivocally unfit, bill clinton and the little missus (almost too casually for my taste) assume an ersatz elder stateman pose sufficiently colorable to fool some--perhaps enough-- of the people, in order to revise his legacy... and to reprise hers.
Thoroughly clintonized, (which Andrew Cuomo would tell you also means "clueless,") the democrats are completely inverting (perverting) the sea captain's refrain.
"Down with the ship" does not mean "the ship goes down with me."
Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.) by Mia T, 10.29.03
hyperlinked images of shame |
by Mia T, 4.6.03
Al From is sounding the alarm. "Unless we convince Americans that Democrats are strong on national security," he warns his party, "Democrats will continue to lose elections."
Helloooo? That the Democrats have to be spoon-fed what should be axiomatic post-9/11 is, in and of itself, incontrovertible proof that From's advice is insufficient to solve their problem.
From's failure to fully lay out the nature of the Democrats' problem is not surprising: he is the guy who helped seal his party's fate. It was his Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) that institutionalized the proximate cause of the problem, clintonism, and legitimized its two eponymic provincial operators on the national stage. The "Third Way" and "triangulation" don't come from the same Latin root for no reason.
That "convince" is From's operative word underscores the Democrats' dilemma. Nine-eleven was transformative. It is no longer sufficient merely to convince. One must demonstrate, demonstrate convincingly, if you will
which means both in real time and historically.
When it comes to national security, Americans will no longer take any chances. Turning the turn of phrase back on itself, the era of the Placebo President is over. (Incidentally, the oft-quote out-of-context sentence fragment alluded to here transformed meaningless clinton triangulation into a meaningful if deceptive soundbite.)
Although From is loath to admit it -- the terror in his eyes belies his facile solution -- the Democratic party's problem transcends its anti-war contingent.
With a philosophy that relinquishes our national sovereignty -- and relinquishes it reflexively
and to the UN no less -- the Democratic party is, by definition, the party of national insecurity.
With policy ruled by pathologic self-interest -- witness the "Lieberman Paradigm," Kerry's "regime change" bon mot (gone bad), Edwards' and the clintons' brazen echoes thereof (or, alternatively, Pelosi's less strident wartime non-putdown putdown)
and, of course, the clincher -- eight years of the clintons' infantilism, grotesquerie and utter failure -- the Democratic party is, historically and in real time, the party of national insecurity.
The Democrats used to be able to wallpaper their national insecurity with dollars and demogoguery. But that was before 9/11. |
The REAL "Living History" -- clintoplasmodial slime
(Who in his right mind would ever want
the clintons back in the Oval Office?)
Lib Author Regrets Voting (TWICE!) for clinton
"Sickened" by clinton's Failure to Protect America from Terrorism
How clintons' Failures Unleashed Global Terror
The Man Who Warned America
(Why a Rapist is Not a Fit President)
Clinton in treason's shadow ANNOTATED
UDAY: "The end is near this time I think the Americans are serious, Bush is not like Clinton."
missus clinton's REAL virtual office updateBUMP!
Thoroughly clintonized, (which Andrew Cuomo would tell you also means "clueless,") the democrats are completely inverting (perverting) the sea captain's refrain. "Down with the ship" does not mean "the ship goes down with me." Mia T by 10.29.03 |
I really like the new tagline, Mia. It suits you much better while still pronouncing a dire truth.
MEMOgate: democrat party treason
Secret Democrat manifesto detailing the undermining of President Bush in wartime
by the seditious misuse of classified intelligence data from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
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