Heavenly Father, You have refreshed our dear Prayer Warriors with the news that You are moving in the affairs of men ~ pierce the hearts of those who will consider this Bill ~ stir the people to call their representatives ~ let our cries of outrage and need for redress accomplish Your purpose ... in Your hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.
Father, You remember our frame. Our glimpse of Terri's suffering is our own, seemingly constant need for water. She has withstood these many days, and we have not. She has been called upon to endure, and we have not. Lay not our weakness to her charge, I pray ~ feed her and quench her thirst in a supernatural way this night and through the coming days, that she may again be refreshed. Hold back the hands of those who would still wish her harm ~ bind them tightly and let there be no escape from Your bonds.
Hallelujah, most Merciful Father ... to You be all glory and honor and dominion and power, forever and ever, Amen ...