Terri Shiavo is being murdered, in utterly cold blood. She's not the first. There is no hope in the courts or the elected officials of government.
Jeb Bush is not going to save Terri. He could. He could have the same chutzpah as the Clinton administration did with the Elian Gonzalez case and just do it. But he won't. She's going to die; we should all just realize that. "Jeb Bush can't do anything about it" say his supporters. BS. He could. But he won't because it might hurt his political career, which is more important than Terri's life. The perceived, skewed "separation of powers" is more important than a human life. Jeb's so-called "powerlessness" leaves me speechless. But not suprised. He's trying to cover his conservative base (and ass) by declaring he's done his best to intervene, but the pro-death media won't be *too* pissed off, because Terri will be dead, and Bush won't have defied its favorite judge. Or judges. Or culture. Anyone who says Jeb (or George) Bush "can't do anything" to save Terri Shiavo is deceiving himself. Teri Shiavo is going to die - AND SHE IS GOING TO DIE! - because those in power to save her will not sacrifice their political futures to save her. Jeb Bush is going to be oh so sad when she dies, oh dear. "I tried!" My dear Mr. Governor, if you care, if you really care, send in the National Guard, and let's see pictures, this time heroic pictures, of soldiers with machine guns, this time protecting doctors putting the feeding tubes back in.
More important than how I die is how I'm going to inculcate into my other five children is how to keep their two handicapped brothers from being legally murdered as Terri Shiavo is now. As if it is "kind." May God have mercy on the faithful in the United States of America, as it becomes another evil empire of death. His own Kingdom is the only righteous country left.