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On John Muhammad (The D.C. Sniper): A Fifth-Column Footsoldier in War Against Infidel U.S.?
The Richmond [VA] Times-Dispatch ^ | October 16, 2003 | Ross Mackenzie

Posted on 10/16/2003 8:28:15 AM PDT by quidnunc

In Virginia Beach they're into jury selection in the capital murder trial of John Muhammad, one of two implicated in the sniper shootings that terrorized the D.C. area south to Richmond a year ago. The trial may last two months. The trial of his alleged young accomplice, Lee Malvo, is set to begin later in nearby Chesapeake.

Muhammad, who has pleaded not guilty, may be found innocent. But circumstantial evidence of his involvement abounds.

In the realm of motive — if Muhammad participated in or helped plan the sniper shootings, why? — the principal piece of evidence, apparently carrying telltale DNA, is the note left for authorities at the scene of the shooting in Ashland, demanding $10 million. In the sniper case there may have been a parallel motive as well: hostility to the United States and its values generally, and to its white Christian people in particular.

The sniper shootings happened about a year after 9/11. What follows, drawn partly from material appearing in this space last November, is based solely on information contained in newspaper accounts … .

Born John Williams, he changed his name to John Muhammad in April, 2001 — 16 years after his conversion to Islam. He was a member of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.

(A Times-Dispatch news account cites a Manassas prison guard testifying Malvo and Muhammad "blamed white people for plotting an assassination attempt on … Farrakhan. When [the guard] noted that the [sniper] shooting victims were of all races, Malvo said he and Muhammad intentionally selected racially diverse targets … . 'He said, "If we only shot white people, the cops would catch up to us quicker, so we shot all kinds of people."'")

A former Washington state friend said Muhammad disparaged Christians and Jews. "In his mind, even black people were no good if they stood with whites or Christians." The friend added it might not be merely coincidental that none of the sniper victims was visibly Muslim.

Muhammad is believed to have shot up a synagogue in Tacoma, Washington. He was connected with the Islamic Center in Laurel, Maryland. Federal authorities have investigated whether he had ties to a sect of militant American Muslims (al-Fuqra) committed to waging holy war against the U.S. — and linked (as of a year ago) to 13 killings and 17 firebombings in the U.S. and Canada. Specifically, Muhammad may have had connections to an al-Fuqra commune in Georgia.

(Al-Fuqra — "the impoverished," seeking to purify Islam through violence — is suspected of having had ties to Richard Reid, the Briton convicted of trying to blow up a Paris-to-Miami jetliner with a shoe-bomb two years ago. Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, on his way through Pakistan to meet al-Fuqra's top sheik, Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, was kidnapped and beheaded.)


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Editorial; Extended News; News/Current Events; US: Virginia; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: alfuqra; blackmuslim; blackmuslims; danielpearl; dcsniper; dcsnipers; fuqra; gilani; jihadinamerica; jilani; johnallenmuhammad; johnmuhammad; laurel; leemalvo; manassas; noi; richardreid; rossmackenzie; shoebomber
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John Muhammad seems clearly to be embittered and an Islamist terrorist sympathizer. As noted here previously, if he were a Branch Davidian or a religious rightist calling himself "God," and if his declared religion had broadly known terrorist factions, everyone would be all over his religious connections and those connections to terror. His trial could prove him to be not only guilty in the sniper shootings, but the Muslims' worst nightmare.

But, of course, he a practicing member of The Religion of Peace™ so any discussion of his faith is out of bounds.

1 posted on 10/16/2003 8:28:15 AM PDT by quidnunc
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To: quidnunc
Wouldn't be PC to discuss his religion.
2 posted on 10/16/2003 8:32:38 AM PDT by Peach (The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
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To: PhiKapMom
Sniper case article.
3 posted on 10/16/2003 8:32:54 AM PDT by Peach (The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
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To: quidnunc; Grampa Dave
Tangential to your excellent post: The Beatification and Canonization of P(olice)C(hief) Moose, Ph.D.has begun, with the release of a made-for-tv tripe-fest, which demonstrates how our entire American way of life was preserved by the alert, heads-up police work of PC Moose, Ph.D. The man is a an absolute role model for the generations of Affirmative Action Clymers who are to bedevil us for generations to come.

The only thing that is realistic is that the role of PC Moose, Ph.D., is played by some obese and monumentally confused and stupid-looking actor.

4 posted on 10/16/2003 9:08:47 AM PDT by Kenny Bunk
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To: Kenny Bunk
PC (Politically Correct) Moose is probably responsible for deaths of innocent people with his White Van driven by a white guy ploy while ignoring the sighting of these two snipers in earlier shootings.

We are now watching how the left wing mediots/videoits at work. Your description of this vile activity is excellent:

The Beatification and Canonization of P(olice)C(hief) Moose, Ph.D.has begun, with the release of a made-for-tv tripe-fest, which demonstrates how our entire American way of life was preserved by the alert, heads-up police work of PC Moose, Ph.D. The man is a an absolute role model for the generations of Affirmative Action Clymers who are to bedevil us for generations to come.

5 posted on 10/16/2003 9:18:48 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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To: quidnunc
Thanks for posting this article. At least now in some media releases, we are reading and hearing about al Fuqra.
6 posted on 10/16/2003 9:19:53 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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To: Clovis_Skeptic; ladyinred; Jim Robinson; Travis McGee; Ernest_at_the_Beach; tubebender; ...
Well, we are now starting to read about the sniper's connection with al Fuqra in some of the main line media.

We outed al Fuqra about 2 years ago on Free Republic.

Then, we were the first to point out that the lead sniper JM, probably had al Fuqra connections if not membership.

This is another example of how Free Republic scoops the media in most news.
7 posted on 10/16/2003 9:25:42 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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To: Grampa Dave; okie01
I'd add that the nature of the Malvo attacks had a feel of "economic" terrorism - such as espoused by Osama.
8 posted on 10/16/2003 9:47:50 AM PDT by Shermy
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To: Shermy
"I'd add that the nature of the Malvo attacks had a feel of "economic" terrorism - such as espoused by Osama."

If Muhammad was not actually part of a Muslim terrorist conspiracy, it is certain that he was inspired by them.

The sniper did not conceive his crime out of thin air...

9 posted on 10/16/2003 10:04:21 AM PDT by okie01 ( Congress isn't for the morally halt and the mentally lame.)
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To: quidnunc
10 posted on 10/16/2003 10:04:50 AM PDT by jjm2111
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To: Shermy
There had to be a huge economic impact in the DC area when these terrorist snipings were going on.

People were killed as they shopped, filled the gas tanks of their vehicles or just waiting for a bus.
11 posted on 10/16/2003 10:10:00 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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Let's review now class...terrorism, Synagogue shootings, dead Americans, Jew-hatred, Christian-hatred, forged documents, and jihad.

What filthy satanic cult repeatedly and consistently ties all these together?

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12 posted on 10/16/2003 2:52:30 PM PDT by tubavil
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To: Grampa Dave
I wasn't a regular here during this but I too had come to the conclusion that Al-Fuqra could well be involved. I have been frustrated by the lack of attention and investigation. While it's nice to see it get a mention, I would love to see a journalist investigate these possible ties further.
13 posted on 10/16/2003 3:04:51 PM PDT by Dolphy
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To: Dolphy
Fredericksburg, Va is so close to Redhouse Va, a muslim compound which has ties to al-Fuqra. 'Wonder if they visited.
14 posted on 10/16/2003 3:13:55 PM PDT by wayoverontheright
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To: wayoverontheright
Yes, there is Redhouse and other alleged spots that are sort of dotted along that odd route from Georgia, to NJ and back to DC. There is also the Island connection.
15 posted on 10/16/2003 3:19:01 PM PDT by Dolphy
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To: Grampa Dave
Yes indeed!
16 posted on 10/16/2003 3:59:52 PM PDT by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: quidnunc
"If we only shot white people, the cops would catch up to us quicker, so we shot all kinds of people."

Celebrate diversity.

17 posted on 10/16/2003 4:26:48 PM PDT by Imal (Once again, my heart and prayers are with you, New York.)
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To: wayoverontheright
If they didn't visit, did they get help from Red House.

I find if unbelieveable that there was not a visit or some type of interaction/coordination before and during the sniper killings.
18 posted on 10/16/2003 5:40:58 PM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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To: Dolphy
The journalist who tried to put it all together, Danny Pearl of the WSJ, was brutally murdered on video as a warning to all journalists.

Besides that, over 98% of the so called journalists are infected with the PC virus that prevents any real investigative reporting.
19 posted on 10/16/2003 5:43:03 PM PDT by Grampa Dave (Fight Liberalism 24/7/365 for only 17 cents / day. Donate $5 monthly to Free Republic.)
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To: Grampa Dave
The journalist who tried to put it all together, Danny Pearl of the WSJ, was brutally murdered on video as a warning to all journalists.

I know Pearl is said to have been investigating Al-Fuqra and Richard Reid. And I can't blame any journalist for not heading to Pakistan to pick up the investigation, but I sure would think more would be done in the United States. As you say, the PC virus is more likely the reason. I mean they are all tough guys when they went off to investigate McVeigh's background which was hardly as compelling as the sniper's.

20 posted on 10/16/2003 6:30:04 PM PDT by Dolphy
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