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the animal kindgom, the rule is "survival of the fittest". As humans, we are capable of reaching out and helping the weaker among us. Not only are we capable, but we acknowledge that it's the right thing to do. Or so I thought.

Who is Terri Schindler-Schiavo?
I asked this question of Bobby, her brother. He recalled how he remembers Terri prior to the night her mysterious illness was to change her forever.

"Terry was a sweet girl, very compassionate, caring, and loyal to her family. Our grandmother was in a nursing home, and Terri would devote time 5 and even 6 days a week to go visit her. She is an animal lover, and one of her strongest desires was to become a veterinarian. She is also extremely shy, in fact, Michael, her husband, was the first person she ever dated."

Only 13 months apart, Terri and Bobby were very close, and would talk 2 or 3 times a day, and it was very common for them to go out together on the weekends.

The night before she collapsed, they had been with each other, and Bobby saw no signs of illness, nor did she state that she wasn't feeling well. They made plans as usual for that weekend. She did state that her relationship with Michael was deteriorating, and that she was contemplating divorce. Later that evening, Terri called Bobby to cancel their plans to go out, feeling it wouldn't be a good idea because her and Michael had been fighting excessively that day. It wasn't until after that day that Bobby found out from her coworker that the fight must have been worse than had been let on-it was bad enough that the co-worker had tried to convince Terri to spend the night at her house.

Then came a late night phone call from Michael, saying something was wrong with Terri. As Bobby lived in the same apartment complex, he arrived before the paramedics. Terri was on the floor in the hallway outside of the bedroom, on her stomach, with her arms under her chest and her hands around her neck/head area and apparently unconscious. Michael seemed frantic, stating that he had heard a loud thump and woke up to see Terri on the floor. Bobby's first thought was that she may have just passed out, it wasn't until long afterwards that he realized that this was an odd position for her to be in, and it wasn't until the paramedics arrived and began trying to revive her and get back a heartbeat that he realized that his sister hadn't simply passed out, but that she was in a life and death situation.

Apparently the hospital also didn't know exactly what to think. They found that she had had a heart attack and passed out, depriving her brain of oxygen for approximately five minutes. The most they could say was that it may have been brought on by an eating disorder.

Michael appeared to the Schindler family to be a caring husband who wanted to bring his wife home and take care of her and provide her with therapy. In court he recited his wedding vows and cried along with stating his wishes to bring her home. He settled out of court with one doctor he sued for a quarter of a million dollars. In court with another lawsuit, he was awarded $300,000 personally for "loss of consortium" (this term usually refers to the loss of companionship and sexual relationship with one's spouse) Terri was given $750,000 for her care and rehabilitation. Guardianship of Terri's fund was given to a bank, however it could not be touched or used for any care of Terri that Michael did not approve of.

At this point, and still as sad as it would be, I've love to be able to report that Michael did what he said he was going to do, or at least used the funds for Terri's rehabilitation.

What actually happened was that Michael forgot to mention in court during his professions of love and commitment was that he already had another girlfriend.

What actually happened was that when Michael received this money in January of 1993, he ordered that Terri's therapy be stopped.

Bob Schindler Sr., Terri's father, contronted Michael in Feb. of the same year, asking what was going on with her therapy. Michael seemed angry, stating that it was HIS wife and he would make all of her decisions. He then severed the relationship with Terri's family, and they were no longer allowed access to any information regarding her. He would later imply that he believed Terri's father just wanted money.

A few months later Terri's parents did receive a telephone call from the nursing home their daughter resided in. They were informed that she had a urinary tract infection, and that her husband was refusing to allow her to be treated with anti-biotics. Without treatment it was likely that she might die. The nursing home informed Michael that this was illegal, and provided the treatment. At this point her parents attempted to get legal guardianship of Terri, but the courts denied it. Michael quietly moved her to another nursing home without informing the parents, where the same situation with him trying to withhold persmission for anti-biotics was repeated. The family was not told about this until well after the fact.

So the tragedy continued. Pleas, arguments, court dates, for a number of years, which brings us to the last two years, 2000-2002.

January 24-28, 2000 - Terri’s life is on trial in Circuit Court Judge George W. Greer's Courtroom.
February 11, 2000 - Judge Greer rules to have Terri’s feeding discontinued.

February 20, 2000 - A rehearing motion was filed with Judge Greer by Attorney Campbell along with a petition requesting Judge Greer to allow for Terri to be tested to determine if she is capable of swallowing..

February 21, 2000 - Judge Greer denies motion for rehearing..

February 25, 2000 - Michael Schiavo filed a petition to prohibit Terri's family from visiting Terri, and/or severely restricting their visiting hours.

March 7, 2000 - Judge Greer denies petition to perform a swallowing test to see if Terri has the ability to swallow. Judge Greer also:
Ordered Terri's family to submit a visitation "guest list" for Schiavo's approval.

Authorized Schiavo's hiring of a security guard to protect Terri.

Authorized Schiavo to hire a security guard for his own personal protection.

Authorized security personnel costs shall be borne by Terri's Medical Fund.

March 24, 2000 - Attorney Joseph Magri filed an appeal notice with the Appellate Court. Judge Greer issued an "execution stay" allowing Terri to be fed for 30 days beyond the exhaustion of all appeal remedies and restricted Michael Schiavo to seek and lift the stay.
April 10, 2000 - Michael Schiavo clandestinely moved Terri from Palm Gardens Nursing Home to the Woodside Hospice Facility. In an emergency hearing, Judge Greer denied a request by Attorney Campbell to return Terri to Palm Gardens Nursing Home.

April 21, 2000 - Judge Greer denied Attorney Joseph Magri's motion to transfer Terri from Woodside Hospice Facility back to a Registered Nursing Home.

May 9, 2000 - A Court hearing was cancelled after Michael Schiavo verbally committed to sign an agreement that Terri will get the necessary medical treatment at Hospice.

June 18, 2000 - After reneging on his previously agreed terms of the agreement, Michael Schiavo later signed an amended agreement stating he will not withdraw or terminate Terri's medical care or treatment for potential fatal infections, without prior notice to the court. He also agreed to treat Terri for a 5-day period should she have an infection. July 5, 2000 - Attorney Magri filed a formal appeal with the Appellate Court to reverse Greer's February 2000 ruling authorizing Schiavo to remove Terri's nutrition feeding.

August 23, 2000 - Schiavo’s attorney responded with a Brief to Appellate Court pleading that Terri's feeding tube should be removed and Theresa be allowed to die "naturally."

November 8, 2000 - A three-member panel consisting of Judges Jerry Parker, Chris Altenbernd and John Blue presided at the Appellate Court "oral argument hearing."

January 25, 2001 - The Appellate Court ruled to uphold Judge Greer’s verdict in favor of removing Terri's nutritional feeding tube.

February 8, 2001 - Attorney Magri filed a motion for a rehearing or clarification. He also requested the entire Appellate Court staff of Judges review the decision. It was denied.

March 22, 2001 - At a Judge Greer Court hearing, Schiavo’s attorney requested to remove Terri's feeding immediately asking for Judge Greer to reverse his "execution stay" that allowed Terri to be fed for 30 days beyond the exhaustion of all appeal remedies. Attorney Magri obtained an Appellate Court "30-day stay" preventing the immediate removal of Terri's feeding.

March 29, 2001 - Judge Greer reversed his original "execution stay" ordering Terri's feeding to be removed when the Appellate Court "30-day stay" expires on April 20, 2001. Attorney Magri then filed an Appeal with the Florida Supreme Court. He also filed with the Appellate Court for an extension of the "30-day stay," in an attempt to guarantee Terri protection until the appeal with the Florida Supreme Court is completed.

April 1, 2001 - The Appellate Court denied extending the "30-day stay."

April 12, 2001 - Attorneys Anderson and Eckert filed in the Circuit Court to disqualify Judge Greer from Terri's case due to discrepancies Greer permitted in his courtroom.

April 16, 2001 - Judge Greer denies motion.

April 18, 2001 - The Florida Supreme Court refused to hear Terri's case and refused to extend Terri's "stay," beyond 1 p.m. Friday, April 20, 2001. Attys. Anderson and Eckert filed a suit in the Federal Court requesting that court intervene in Terri's case.

April 19, 2001 - The Federal Court conducted a morning hearing where Judge Lazzara claimed the issue was beyond that court's jurisdiction. The Judge extended Terri's "execution stay" to 5 p.m. Monday, April 23, 2001. Attorney Magri filed an appeal with the US Supreme Court

April 23, 2001 - Judge Kennedy of the US Supreme Court refuses to hear Terri’s case.

April 24, 2001 -Terri's feeding was terminated.

April 25, 2001 - Michael Schiavo denies Terri's sister and brother from visiting Terri.

April 26, 2001 - Attorneys Anderson and Eckert presented the Cyndi Brasher Shook new findings to Judge Greer that Schiavo had perjured himself at Terri's, January 2000 trial. Judge Greer refused to hear the new evidence because it was presented after one-year time constraints. Terri had not had any nutrition for 48 hours.

April 27, 2001 - Attorneys Anderson and Eckert presented the same new evidence that Schiavo had perjured himself at Terri's 2000 Trial to Civil Court Judge Frank Quesada. In an emergency hearing, Judge Quesada ordered Terri's feeding resumed. Terri had not had any nutrition for 60 hours. What was this evidence? Remember Michael's girlfriend from the time of the very first trial? She came forward with the testimony that Michael had told her, all the way back then, that Terri had never told him what her wishes would be in a situation like this, as Michael had stated previously. Her reason for not coming forward years earlier? She was afraid of Michael. Bobby Schindler did not find this hard to believe, as he had already come to the conclusion that Michael is a very controlling and violent person. The violence was first evident to Bobby in an altercation they had early in his relationship with Terri. He cannot even recall what Michael was angry about, but he had grabbed Bobby by the neck, threw him to the ground, and was ready to strike him with a closed fist when the family intervened an stopped him.

April 30, 2001 - Schiavo's attorney filed an emergency motion with the Appellate Court, appealing Judge Quesada’s order, and to stop Terri's nutritional feeding immediately.

May 7, 2001 - Dr. Hammesfahr (neurology), filed a six page affidavit with the court stating Terri was not in a Persistent Vegetative State, accompanied by a formal letter requesting Schiavo’s permission to allow Terri to begin rehabilitation treatment.

May 7, 2001 - Attorney's Anderson and Eckert filed an "Amended Complaint in the Civil Court." In addition to the initial Fraud and Perjury charges levied against Schiavo, this document contains charges of Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Conspiracy.

May 8, 2001 - Witness Cindy Brashers Shook rendered her deposition. (Michael's ex-girlfriend)

May 9, 2001 - The Court of Appeals ordered "Oral Arguments" for June 25, 2001.

May 11, 2001 - Judge Quesada denied Schiavo's attorneys motion to negate Judge Quesada's jurisdiction.

June 1, 2001 - Attorneys Anderson and Eckert filed a court motion, which included five additional affidavits from physicians (neurologists) stating Terri was not in a "persistent vegetative state," as portrayed by Schiavo.

June 8, 2001 - Michael Schiavo was issued a deposition subpoena. On two separate occasions the subpoena servers could not locate Schiavo. He and his fiancée had vacated their residence, their whereabouts were unknown.

June 14, 2001 - At the 11th hour, Schiavo’s attorney gave notice Schiavo would not be available for his scheduled deposition.

June 18, 2001 - Schiavo's attorney filed an affidavit from Dr. James Barnhill, reiterating his trial testimony that Terri is in an irreversible vegetative state. The statement goes on to maliciously attack the credibility of the six neurologist’s affidavits.

June 20, 2001 - In a hearing held by Judge Quasada, he declined to designate Terri as a "Key Witness," opting to wait for the Appellate Court appeal decision.

June 21, 2001 - In a hearing, Pinellas Chief Judge elect, Demers ordered the lawsuit, charging Michael Schiavo with "Fraud and Perjury," to remain in the civil court. However, he gave Judge Greer authority on whether Terri should have any new medical evaluation or treatment. Greer will also determine if Terri's sister and brother can visit Terri.

June 25, 2001 - A three-member panel consisting of Judges Jerry Parker, Chris Altenbernd and John Blue presided at the Appellate Court "oral argument hearing."

July 11, 2001 - The Appellate Court issued a ruling allowing a motion be filed in Judge Greer's Probate court to request evidentiary hearings. The Appellate Court denied Schiavo's attorney’s request to order Terri's feeding stopped.

July 20, 2001 - Attorney Larry Crow joined Attorney Anderson as co-counsel. In motions filed by Attorney Pat Anderson, Judge Greer was presented with evidence that that Schiavo had abused Terri both neurological and medically over the past eight years and that Terri's neurological condition was misrepresented at her January 2000 trial.

July 23, 2001 - Schiavo's attorney requested Judge Greer issue an order to immediately discontinue Terri's feeding before reviewing of any of the evidence.

August 7, 2001 - Judge Greer ignored all the evidence presented to him and ordered to have Terri's feeding stopped on August 28, 2001. In his written court order, he admitted he did not read six of the seven doctor's affidavits.

August 9, 2001 - Schiavo’s attorney plea to dismiss the Civil Lawsuit, charging Michael Schiavo with fraud and perjury, was reviewed at a hearing in Judge Schaefer’s civil courtroom. Judge Schaefer determined future hearings would be conducted to determine if the charges supported a jury trial and that Michael Schiavo’s deposition would not be required until after the hearing process.

August 10, 2001 - Attorney Crow filed a motion with Judge Greer requesting an expedited hearing regarding Michael Schiavo's improprieties while acting as Terri's legal guardian. A petition to have Michael Schiavo removed as Terri’s legal guardian accompanied this. Attorney Crow listed numerous Florida Statutes that Michael Schiavo had violated acting as Terri's legal guardian. Attorney Crow also filed a motion requesting a hearing to allow independent medical experts to have access to Terri. Judge Greer denied the motion and the request to conduct a hearing regarding this issue.

August 14, 2001 - Attorney Anderson filed a motion requesting Judge Greer to remove himself from Terri's case revealing that, because of severe eyesight problems, Judge Greer could not see Terri's trial videotape and neurological scans. Judge Greer denied the motion.

August 16, 2001 - Attorney Anderson announced she had filed a "Notice of Appeal" with the Second District Appellate Court.

August 17, 2001 - Judge Greer granted Terri a "stay of execution" until October 9, 2001 to allow Terri "due process of the law" in filing an appeal with the Appellate Court.

August 20, 2001 - Schiavo's attorney filed with the Appellate Court to negate Greer's October 9 'stay' and have Terri's nutrition and hydration feeding terminated immediately.

August 22, 2001 - Attorney Pat Anderson files motion stating that Schiavo’s attorney is attempting to "trick the court" into permitting Terri's death before the Appellate Court has an opportunity to hear evidence.

September 26, 2001 - A three-member panel consisting of Judges Jerry Parker, Chris Altenbernd and John Blue presided at the Appellate Court "oral argument hearing." The core of the appeal is that Judge Greer did not follow the Appellate Court's July 11, 2001 instructions. Judge Greer admitted he ignored the doctors sworn opinions and summarily rejected additional evidence that unmistakably proved Michael Schiavo lied to the court at the original trial. Rather, Judge Greer ordered Terri's feeding to be withdrawn on Oct. 9.

October 1, 2001 - A hearing was conducted in Judge Greer's Courtroom regarding Terri's visitation and videotaping. Judge Greer agreed to allow Terri's sister (Suzanne) and brother (Bobby) to visit Terri based on a negotiated arrangement, which contained rigid restrictions. Also, Judge Greer and Schiavo's attorney gave permission to take memorializing videotape or still photographs of Terri with restrictions, while giving copyright protection to Michael Schiavo.

October 3, 2001 - The Appellate Court issued an "indefinite stay" maintaining Terri's nutritional feeding until they issue any further order regarding her case.

October 17, 2001 - The Appellate Court issued a ruling, which will allow five doctors to examine Terri. The court's decision authorizes the doctors to only conduct diagnostic tests in order to determine if Terri's condition can be treated. At the culmination of this process, an evidentiary hearing will be held in Judge Greer's courtroom to determine Terri's fate.

October 23, 2001 - Michael Schiavo’s attorney requested a rehearing in an attempt to reverse the Appellate Courts, October 17 decision allowing Terri to be examined.

November 1, 2001 - The Court of Appeals denied Schiavo's rehearing motion.

November 16, 2001 - Prior to a Judge Greer scheduled case management hearing to establish procedures and time frames for Terri's neurological evaluation, Schiavo's attorney suggested negotiating the medical segment of Terri's case with a mediator.

December 19, 2001 - In an all day attempt to mediate an agreed upon solution to Terri's evaluation, retired Judge Horace Andrews acted as a mediator.

January 18, 2002 - A hearing was conducted in Judge Greer’s court after all attempts to achieve a mediated agreement with Schiavo’s attorney were unsuccessful. Judge Greer established a time schedule for Terri’s evaluation. Attorney Anderson, convinced Judge Greer that Terri's medical condition was an important prerequisite in arriving at Terri’s true neurological status. Judge Greer finally will allow Terri to have a full medical examination in February 2002.

January 25, 2002 - An evidentiary hearing was scheduled to examine if Michael Schiavo has discharged his statutory duties as Terri's guardian. The hearing was scheduled after Attorney Anderson revealed Schiavo’s guardianship reports were in breach of the Florida Guardianship Laws, some with as many as a dozen violations. Attorney Anderson had subpoenaed Michael Schiavo, along with a number of others to testify at this hearing. Schiavo's attorneys requested that Judge Greer cancel the hearing on the promise that Michael Schiavo would submit a new guardianship plan. Judge Greer postponed the hearing.

February 7, 2002 - Schiavo's attorney filed an appeal with the Florida Supreme Court to overturn the Appellate Court's October 17, 2001 ruling, which ordered five doctors to conduct diagnostic tests to determine if Terri's condition can be treated.

February 14, 2002 - The Florida Supreme Court issued a "hold" until they could review Terri's case. Their action could delay the medical scheduling arrangements that Judge Greer established for Terri's doctor examinations.

March 14, 2002 - The Florida Supreme Court denied Michael Schiavo’s appeal.

April 5, 2002 - At a hearing conducted by Judge Schaefer, Schiavo’s attorney requested dismissal of two charges filed against Michael Schiavo in the May 7, 2001 civil lawsuit. Judge Schaefer directed Attorney Anderson to re file her brief in greater detail before any decision can be made to dismiss the charges.

April 24, 2002 - Judge Greer conducted a hearing in his chambers and authorized Schiavo’s attorney to continue using Terri's medical fund money to underwrite the doctor fees ($450/hour) in Terri's upcoming neurological evaluation. Judge Greer indicated he would select the fifth doctor to examine Terri.

October 2, 2002 -Judge Greer conducted a hearing in response to Schaivo's attorney's petition to deny the showing of Terri's examination video tapes to the media after they have been presented to Judge Greer as evidence in the upcoming trial. In addition to attorney Pat Anderson, the local media had legal representation to argue against Felos's attempt to block the videotapes.

Judge Greer ruled to allow the media to video the examination tapes as they are shown on the court TV monitor and air whatever they video on their station's newscasts. However the Judge will not make a decision to release the tapes to the media until after the trial is completed.

October 14, 2002 -Dr. Hammesfahr testified that in all of his past experiences he has only had one patient who suffered a neck spinal cord injury that was similar with what he had found during his examination of Terri. Attorney Anderson asked Dr. Hammesfahr how this injury occurred to that patient. Dr. Hammesfahr emphatically stated that the neck spinal injury this patient incurred was by Strangulation. Schiavo’s attorney avoided challenging Dr. Hammesfahr’s strangulation statement.

October 15, 2002 - Dr. Bambikidas's testimony confirmed Dr. Hammesfhar's testimony that Terri did not have a heart attack and that Terri did appear to suffer from a spinal cord neck injury when admitted to the hospital the night of Terri's collapse.

Updated on this trial will be made available as they are received.
Dear readers, please try to see Terri as YOUR daughter, YOUR sister, YOUR friend. What would you do? How would you feel about the way she has been treated for all of these long years? Currently, her own family is on restricted visitation, and any activities they would like to do must be approved by Michael. They would like to take her outside, and can't. She does have a wheelchair, but for many months it has been broken, sitting there with flat tires. Why doesn't Michael have it fixed? Surely it isn't for a lack of medical funds!

Even if the truth turned out to be that Terri is in a vegetative state, which VERY MUCH evidence exists to prove she is NOT, is it right to starve her to death? This is not a woman on life support, she is not lying in a bed with a ventilator breathing for her and electrodes stimulating her heart to beat. She is a woman with a disability that is being tube fed, and had she had proper treatment, or if she is given proper treatment, even this may become partially or even totally unecessary. Terri has been ignored long enough. She cannot speak, and she needs your voice. Will you stand up for her and help her family get her the kind of care that every human being should be allowed to have?

Here is what you can do.

Spread the word. Tell everybody you know about this case. Call your local media, speak with your local representatives, talk to your friends, family, and church to explain that all of our voices are needed to help stop the murder of the disabled and to say that we hold life valuable.

E-mail and/or write to Florida's state officials. Explain to them how you feel about Terri's situation and about the laws that are keeping her from receiving proper care and therapy as desired by her family.

Governor: Jeb Bush (R)
Office Of The Governor
Florida Capital Building
Tallahassee FL 32399
(850) 488-7146
Members of the Senate: Bob Graham (D)
United States Senator
101 Kennedy Blvd. Suite E
Tampa FL 33602
(813) 228-2476

Bill Nelson
United States Senator
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-5274
Click here to contact Senator Nelson


Michael Bilirakis (R)
District 9
1100 Cleveland St. Suite 1600
Clearwater FL 33755
(813) 441-3721

Jim Davis (R)
District 11
3315 Henderson Blvd Suite 100
Tampa FL 33609
(813) 354-9217

Charles Canady (R)
District 12
124 Tennessee Ave
Lakeland FL 33801
(941) 688-2651

Dan Miller (R)
District 13
2424 Manatee Ave. W. Suite 104
Bradenton FL 34205
(800) 453-4184

If you would like to make a donation to The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation, please send a check or money order to the following address.

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
4615 Gulf Boulevard
Suite 104-103
St Petersburg Beach, FL 33706

The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation is a legally recognized foundation set up to gather resources needed to keep Terri alive.

The official site of the Terri Schindler-Schiavo foundation is:

This article in its entirety is copyright 2002 by Gina Locke. Some portions of this article were used with permission from The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation.
18 posted on 10/13/2003 2:00:12 PM PDT by My Favorite Headache (On Sale October 21st...Rush In Rio. 3 cd's and 2 DVD Set. Buy it! Support both Rush's!)
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To: My Favorite Headache
Storm heaven with prayers also!!
51 posted on 10/13/2003 2:31:23 PM PDT by Ann Archy
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To: My Favorite Headache
How is it that everyone always seems to gloss over this part!?!

October 14, 2002 -Dr. Hammesfahr testified that in all of his past experiences he has only had one patient who suffered a neck spinal cord injury that was similar with what he had found during his examination of Terri. Attorney Anderson asked Dr. Hammesfahr how this injury occurred to that patient. Dr. Hammesfahr emphatically stated that the neck spinal injury this patient incurred was by Strangulation. Schiavo’s attorney avoided challenging Dr. Hammesfahr’s strangulation statement.
Michael Schiavo and his lawyer should be hunted down, strapped to chairs and killed through starvation if this is allowed to go forward!
56 posted on 10/13/2003 2:38:42 PM PDT by sc2_ct
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To: My Favorite Headache
I seem to have missed a part of this somehow....

What is the reason Terri's husband was able to sue and receive a judgment? I see where he got all that money but I don't see why.

This case truly disgusts me. Starvation and dehydration is against the law in every other possible situation. This simply can not be allowed to stand!
115 posted on 10/13/2003 7:56:14 PM PDT by MistyCA (For's always going to be "A Nam Thing!")
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To: My Favorite Headache
Just thought I'd let you know that I sent emails to the addresses listed on your post and every one except for the one to Jeb Bush came back as undeliverable - name not recognized. I did fax Gov Bush and am going to the State of Florida website to try to get fax number for these others whose emails were returned.

Thanks for keeping us informed.

165 posted on 10/14/2003 4:56:03 AM PDT by texgal (end no-fault divorce laws and return DUE PROCESS to our citizens))
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To: My Favorite Headache
Michael Schiavo's intentions are disgustingly transparent. It's time for Terri to be pardoned.
190 posted on 10/14/2003 4:31:53 PM PDT by Canadian Outrage (All us Western Canuks belong South)
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To: My Favorite Headache
Not to sound cold, but who is most responsible for Terri Schindler-Schiavo marrying the type of man she did? You? Me? or her?
219 posted on 10/14/2003 9:01:29 PM PDT by ClintonBeGone
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To: My Favorite Headache;; iowamomforfreedom
At New Terri Schiavo update [and] request for information --- posted to Free Republic by, Oct. 26, 2003 ---

RGSpincich's Reply 59, calls into question, the following, as posted by

1. Dr. Hammesfahr, of HAMMESFAHR NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE. emphatically stated that the neck spinal injury this patient incurred was by Strangulation. Schiavo's attorney avoided challenging Dr. Hammesfahr's strangulation statement. Proof of those statements below - video of the Dr saying it, along with saying that with therapy, her condition can improve.,8,2001.htm Debi, there are 5 video and audio clips. They total more than 20 MB's so they wouldn't be practical to email. All are available at the address above.

I [First_Salute] listened to and watched all the audio and video at that Channel 10 link. There is no information about Dr. Hammesfahr stating anything about "Strangulation."


In the second Channel 10 News clip, video for May 8, 2001 ---

Channel 10 5:00 PM Clip Part 2 - Dr. Hammesfahr coverage on Terri Schiavo case

--- the Channel 10 news anchor states:

An ex-girlfriend of Michael Schiavo, is set to give a court deposition this week; Cindy Shook has said Michael once told her that he didn't know what his wife's wishes really were.

Cindy Shook, in that news anchor's report, is Cindy Brashers Shook, who is the court witness for May 8, 2001 in the chronology of events that are listed in iowamomfor freedom's Reply 48, at's page, which is also a restatement of My Favorite Headache's Reply 18 above. Unfortunately, the chronology, above, does not indicate Cindy's information, but the Channel 10 news anchor has provided a glimpse.


258 posted on 10/27/2003 7:10:33 AM PST by First_Salute (God save our democratic-republican government, from a government by judiciary.)
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