I’ve got a fiver that says Bernie is the nominee. The left feels he got the shaft so now they will try to make it right by giving him a shot.
They still don’t get that he’s a socialist and we are a capitalist nation. The two are like motor oil and water. They can only exist at full strength separate from each other. When mixed they both become a mess not good for anything.
Why is the left can’t comprehend facts like socialism has never worked anywhere it has ever been tried in the history of mankind? It’s hard to believe even leftists are that freaking hard headed and stupid. Maybe it’s forced ignorance which makes them untrainable and unteachable.
The left knows all of that stuff.
It’s the POWER they want. Nothing else.
They say that “socialism” worked in Sweden and Norway.
That would be amusing. After years of screaming that the GOP is the party of old white men, the RATs nominate an 80 year old white guy.