Trump may very well be the next President of the United States.
What I can’t figure out is why anybody is happy with that prospect, except the Liberals, who will get whatever they want, and have it given to them by a nominal Republican. That way they can avoid the blame for the disastrous results.
Trump announces proudly that he is all about making great deals.
Making great deals involves trading things you don’t care about for things you want and need.
The problem is, everything you care about are the first things Trump is going to trade away. He is starting already. Since New York, he has already given away three major planks from the Republican Platform. How many more will he give away by July? How many more by November?
Since you have a candidate who announces, proudly, that he is without scruples, and will trade anything to anybody to get what he wants, your problem is to try to divine what it is that he doesn’t care about, and what it is that he really wants and needs.
The way it looks to me is that the thing he really wants and needs is to be President. The things he doesn’t care about, that he is willing to deal away, is the entire Republican Platform.
If winning is that important to you, that is probably a winning strategy. However, I don’t know why winning would be that important to you, if giving away the entire Republican Platform is the end result.
Nothing in the GOP Platform that Trump advocates changing realistically changes how the GOP will govern.
1) fiscal restraint. Trump,is a shrewd business guy and also a miser when it comes to getting a deal. He spent $.13 per vote in NY. Sanders spent $9 per vote and Hillary probably close to same. See any difference? If a guy like Trump cannot rein in govt spending , then no one can. Or will. So this is our only hope, obi wan. The economy is everything really. It affects everything. Pick the man with the best prospects for managing economic recovery ( we will be in recession or worse by next year) and everything else follows. Even reducing abortions that are chosen by women with no economic hope of supporting a child.
2) border controls. It may not be the wall that he promises and it may not be what everyone wants, but there will be a system built to respect and try to preserve US sovereignty over our borders. Fir national security and plain common sense. Why should we keep apologizing and being ashamed of fhaving borders ?? And laws?? The other candidates were too timid and too PC to even discuss as part of the campaign this until Trump made a national issue.
3) Nationalism. Yes pride in and love of this country without being cowed and intimidated by slurs of racism, naziism, colonialism , apologies groveling and revisionism. Only one man has stood up and been impervious to the mobs, the hater accusing him of hate, the globalists warning that he will destroy civilization as we know it. Only one man. And if you don't know this to be true then you are never going to vote for trump anyway. So good luck with whatever democrat we get to continue Obama’s work.
“What I cant figure out is why anybody is happy with that prospect, except the Liberals, who will get whatever they want, and have it given to them by a nominal Republican. “
Liberals will not be happy with any Republican, liberal or conservative. Consider the for the time very liberal policies of Republican Richard M. Nixon:
1) Gave us the EPA and OSHA
2) Ended the US dollar backed by gold
3) Opened up China - more radical at the time than Obama’s overtures to Cuba.
4) Detente with the Soviet Union
5) Continued the Democrat Vietnam war started by JFK and escalated by JFK
6) Proposed national health care with federal subsidies
7) Implemented wage and price controls — direct government management of the markets
8) Proposed a negative income tax for poor people
9) Expanded food stamps
10) Implemented supplemental security income for elderly an disabled
11) COLA, indexing of Social Security payments for inflation began under Nixon.
12) Executive order 11478 in 1969 requiring the US government provide equal opportunity in federal employment for all persons. Prohibited discrimination on basis of race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, or handicap.
13) Executive order in 1971 requiring affirmative action for federal contractors
Despite governing as a liberal, Nixon was hounded by the press and the Democrats in Congress. The crime for which he was impeached — covering up a third rate burglary — pales in comparison with the current POTUS who routinely violates the Constitution, rules through imperial edicts, kills American citizens with drone strikes and gun running, chooses which laws to enforce, spies on American citizens, and uses the IRS against political enemies.
Of course the key difference between Nixon’s era and today is Nixon faced a real opposition party in Congress. Obama enjoys a Congress fully collaborating with his policies.
The Democrats will fight a President Trump just as aggressively as they fought Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, both Bushes, and will fight a President Cruz or Kasich.
The only problem with your post is that NOTHING in it is true.