Posted on 03/24/2016 7:52:06 AM PDT by Tortmegood
Within hours of the news breaking that Hillary Clinton exclusively used a private e-mail account while she was secretary of state, employees across the federal government fired up their computers to share their disbelief.
How is this even possible? Michael McDonald, general counsel at the National Endowment for the Humanities, asked his deputy Lisette Voyatzis in an e-mail sent March 3, 2015. They [the State Department] are as ass-backwards as NEH when it comes to records management. Thats comforting, she replied.
Charles Beamon, the top ethics official at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, sent Clintons story staff-wide as a cautionary tale, calling it another scandal involving the use of personal e-mail for official business. The acting inspector general at the National Archives and Records Administration sent a tersely worded e-mail to Paul Simms, the agencys chief records officer. Were we aware the gov email system was not being used by Ms.Clinton? He asked. If we were not aware, why not?
These new messages, together with previously published government e-mails from incredulous Labor and Treasury department employees, undercut the Democratic front-runners persistent claim that her private e-mail set-up was commonplace and aboveboard. But they would have remained on federal servers, far from the public eye, if not for a painstakingly thorough public-records operation launched by America Rising, one of Washingtons most powerful Republican opposition-research firms.
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They're going to need a facility to rival the size of the one the NSA is building to save all the data!
Reminds me of TMZ.
Since when has ‘dirt’ kept the socialist down?
Behind the curve. Didn’t Larry Flynt already try to do this?
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