switch it around for me. didn’t know there were so many Cruz supporters I never see them :)
either or.
As usual, Cruz is FR’s guy.
As far as the early part of this thread goes, the person who posted it probably also pinged his Cruz list to it, and they answered first. Eventually the Trump people pinged their lists.
Like many polls, this one proves nothing unless the data is very carefully assessed. The opinion of a freeper in a state without a critical primary, or a primary that is late in the process, should not be weighted the same as the opinion of a freeper in Iowa or New Hampshire, whose primaries are early bellwethers. A person in a solidly blue state with a closed primary (only those registered to either the Dem or Rep party can vote in their respective primaries -- Independents cannot vote in the primary) has a different situation than a person in a blue state with an open primary (anyone can vote for either party for the nomination). Then there is the impact of the Electoral College apportionments that must be analyzed.
In sum, we're not accomplishing much here in terms of a truely predictive model. But we are giving one another issues to debate and discuss among ourselves; so that's good.