“I just wish one of his brain dead supporters would talk to me! I’d have him or her voting for Trump in 10-15 minutes tops. ;^)”
Bernie’s supporters consist primarily of old time socialists and twenty something unemployed liberal arts college graduates living in Mom’s basement. Try explaining to them that the free stuff isn’t free, that someone somewhere has to pay for it. They are sure it won’t be them. The blank stare you will get is astounding. These idiots aren’t going to vote for some rich white dude who believes in working for what you want or need.
You can’t actually change their dysfunctional minds.
Release the hounds.
Have a little fun with it.
Many long decades ago, I actually had a verbal duel with a card carrying Commie, whilst waiting in line to vote, in Greenwich Village. It was a VERY long line and I did get her to “see the light”. If it stuck, or not, I don’t know, but she was probably a whole lot more intelligent than Bernie and all of his supporters put together.
I know a few people in that age bracket and every one is conservative, or close to it. One talks just like a FReeper and likes Trump, I will have to get him to sign up. Another is really worried about Obama and gun confiscation, I can tell the people he works with are educating him.
There is hope.