Fundamental misunderstanding. Cruz’s “wedge issue” isn’t immigration—it’s the lawless Washington Cartel that have abandoned America’s citizens on all fronts: immigration, Religious Liberty, Common Core, Federal Over-reach (which will play well in Colorado right now after the EPA’s massive mistake on the Animas River), Foreign Affairs, and judicial tyranny.
Multiple polls of legal immigrants show that they a.) want the border secured and b.) are against amnesty by about a 2-to-1 margin. Not surprisingly, immigration is a very powerful issue among immigrants -- but not necessarily in the way one might think.
Nonetheless, Cruz' "wedge' issue isn't immigration -- it's the "Washington cartel".
After Trump tears up the carefully crafted battle terrain the enemedia and Rats/RINOs have prepared Cruz will be the adult left standing. God Bless America.
I still say Romney did not lose. He just did not win by enough to overcome Rat fraud. We live in one of those states and the irregularities in just our neighborhood were astounding. Banana Republics have better elections.
Hispanics don't vote Republican because they don't like their policies, not because Republicans are 'mean' on immigration
It is precisely a failure to halt the immigration tsunami in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s that leaves the Republicans vulnerable and needing to make weak efforts to pander to people who do not like their policies. Mexicans do not cross the border clutching copies of Von Mises or Friedman; if they liked Anglo-Saxon small government they would have created such systems in their own countries. Reverence for the Constitution and the Founding Fathers are pretty much a White thing; such appeals may rally the White base but likely leave everyone else cold.
Even on social issues Hispanics are not wildly different than the native population and probably more liberal than evangelical Christians. In other words they don't like Republican economic policies and are not really driven by Republican social policies.