More Huffing and Puffing BS. Cruz is a huge supporter of NASA and their mission. He will support cleaning house.
The Beast will write any article to support the tired meme that “Evil Conservatives are anti-science” Bull Crap.
Ted Cruz would probably support private proerty ownership on the moon and other space bodies which would drive more actual exploration than any else NASA has ever done by adhereing to silly feel good un treaties on space.
You should read the article. It’s short. The HuffPo totally puts BS links between events, causes and results that have nothing to do with Cruz.
Cruz shut down the government = He hates NASA
Cruz doesn’t buy Man Made Global Warming = He hates NASA
I once headed a project that built an antenna for the ISS. It was maybe 20K in total parts and some engineering and testing. By the time it was all over, the bill was $1M - all because of the BS and paperwork.