The parties are front organizations.
They’re meaningless.
New world order controls them both.
There has to be an alternative to new world order first. A network of people of all stripes that are determined to defeat new world order have to make their own new world order.
Once you get that going to some degree, “we the people” can “take back” both parties, or have no parties, whichever they choose, and it won’t be so difficult.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have your own local and State “kingpins” that were actually real people, not minions of new world order.
Your state could begin to flush out all their agendas from your laws and institutions.
It would be like Tea Party to some nth power.
It will take shoe leather and lots of small meetings, parties, get-togethers, cold calls, etc.
The Repub party has lost its base. The base has gone underground.