This is how the GOP-e wins. They back one candidate in the primary (Gov Christie) and send out collaborators to encourage scores of conservatives to run (divide TP and conservative voters). How can conservative win GOP primaries if they field 5 plus candidates and the GOP-e fields one? Conservatives remind me of the ancient Greeks (rally around individual heroes) and the professional politicians are like the Romans (machine like). History kind of favors the war machines over the clusters.
I have met him in person and was not impressed. His wife is great, him not so much. Somehow this idea needs go be stopped in it’s tracks NOW. There is too much at stake to be fooling around.
I completely agree with you, that’s very much what happened last time. Maybe all these putative candidates (like Cruz, Paul, Walker, et al.) need to get together and pick one to run.
Pretty sure that would never happen in reality. One things these pols all have in common is abitiousness.
It would be kind of cool if in 2016 we “flipped the script” as Curtis Sliwa likes to say and ran some “bright young thing” while the Dems ran Mrs. Next-in-line Clinton.
Although now that I think about it that was kind of the situation in 2000 with W. v. Gore. Who else ran for the R. nomination that year? McCain, no?
I think closed primaries might also help. I don’t know why any party would have open primaries, I really don’t understand that. Do the dems do that or just the stupid Rs?
yep. you noticed the clusters.
Exactly—and there are always endless preening “conservatives” happy to go along with it. Ben Carson and Huck are likely just the beginning for 2016.