“compared with 40 percent who think government should promote traditional values.
The question is should that be the job of government? I say that’s the job of civil society. Once government takes on promoting values, don’t be surprised if they start promoting values you don’t like.
The govt. is a necessary evil needed to protect a civil society. The question is what is the basis for the moral code it exists to protect. Is our moral code based on our heart or something else.
Once government takes on promoting values, dont be surprised if they start promoting values you dont like.”
Exactly. Most people in government are godless communists.
I don’t want them promoting their values at all.
Absolutely.I agree with lots of libertarian policy. Live and let live, so to speak. And, as another poster put it, keep congress from legislating matters where their authority shouldn’t even exist.
More than not, that’s on the mark.
When society sets the limit, scorn/ridicule/ostracization rule are about as ‘brutal’ as one gets. With gov’t limits, there is loss of $$, Liberty and/or Life