Conservatives refused to vote for Romney, because he was and is a well known RINO and we all know how RINOs are viewed here on Free Republic. So, what we got was another 4 years of Obama who is decidedly NOT a RINO. Conservatives clearly decided that Barack was the better option.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda
Yes, I think we had the “nominating Romney is a terrible idea” bit covered by February 2012, at the latest.
He could not sell to the white working class, SO necessary to a GOP victory, SO despised by the GOPe.
Go white, go Right, or go home. That’s the formula for 2016.
Oh for crying out loud...stop crying in your drink already! This isn’t about the voter turning out or not! Stop blaming the voters!
This fiasco rest squarely on the shoulders of the candidates the GOP provides. Put up a lousy candidate, expect to lose. How many times and how far down do we need to fall before the GOP finally learns how to pick a winning candidate that can ‘turn out the vote.’