It’s all about your crotch, don’tcha know?
I am glad I am out of touch with those critters, I do not wish to touch them with a ten foot pole.
Today is the first time I've felt anything positive about the election, almost like a weight has been lifted from me.
So... I'm not an "American" because I'm uncomfortable with homosexuals forcing themselves into every institution of society, including those specifically designed to protect vulnerable children?
I guess questioning the patriotism of those with whom you disagree is only a bad thing when my side does it.
Let’s just send these Cinderellas a case of Midol and some tampons. That should make them happy.
You always had full equality, Dan Rafter.
You in the Lavender Mafia have been manipulating the legal system to award yourselves special rights.
Well, since the gays and the fag hags are not voting ‘Pubbie anyway, who cares?
While most Americans aren’t really anti-gay, they are pro-survival and when it comes to keeping their families in a home aren’t going to vote about who is going to give the gays what they want.
So Obama will get all the homosexual-friendly vote?
Good, then when Romney/Ryan are elected, they can effectively ignore the Homosexual Lobby, because that crowd voted for the other guy.
Judging by the degree of hyperventilation from the left, Rep. Ryan is an excellent VP choice.
Oh dear god shut up!!!!! Your “equality” is the absolute least of our countries problems.
That miserable 1.8% of the population would not have voted Republican anyway, so who cares what they spew?
HOMOSEXUAL, because there’s nothing GAY about it.
This will help the GOP, then. Because as Obama endorsed gay marriage, won’t defend DOMA, and the Dems put gay marriage plank on DNC, Ryan causes a sharp divide here compared to the lukewarmness of Romney.
If you mean doing right no matter what kinda kooks call you names, then We’re guilty.
Another strong endorsement from Chick-fil-A’s best promoter.
Pray for America
Thanks for posting this. The article is a hoot. How many ways can you say, Ryan has no use for in-your-face queers?
he does not support the dignity of LGBT Americans;
Paul Ryan does not support LGBT families
Recent polling shows just how out-of-touch Ryans positions on LGBT equality are
Ryan voted against hate crimes protections for LGBT people twice.
He does not support marriage equality
he has twice supported the Federal Marriage Amendment
And, finally, just to be sure you’re not missing the point of this article,
Ryan does not support LGBT families (again)
Romney/Ryan need to point out that NO STATE has passed gay marriage where it was put to a vote OF THE PEOPLE.
They can also come out and defend the law of the land - The Defense of Marriage Act.
The only people out of touch are the perverted homosexuals.