That has to be balanced against the damage an Obama second term would cause in areas such as court appointments, executive orders, regulatory strangleholds on the economy and outright usurpations of power. As bad as the excesses of full GOP control became under Bush, they pale in comparison to what Obama continues to do even with GOP control of the House as a buffer.
Unless the GOP were to get to 67 seats in the Senate, Obama, Holder and the other goons will continue to abuse power with impunity because the Clintoon precedent showed that the Dems will not vote to remove upon impeachment.
So every conservative has to ponder which is worse for this country.
What makes you think Mittens isn't capable of all those same excesses, usurpations, bypasses, edicts, and leftist appointments? He clearly demonstrated that he is, while he was Governor of Massachusetts. I defy you to point to a single substantial thing in his record that differentiates him from Obama, or any other left-wing radical.
Pushing the fear button is ineffective on anyone that can see this.