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I see Ed Rollins really is running the show.
1 posted on 06/28/2011 10:54:03 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Delusions of grandeur. She is a kook.

2 posted on 06/28/2011 10:58:10 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (JMO but I reserve the right to be wrong...)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
They are "friends" but MB doesn't know how to get in touch with???

Maybe Wallace was on to something...

3 posted on 06/28/2011 11:01:40 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (JMO but I reserve the right to be wrong...)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Did you read the whole article?

She claims that Palin supporters are "warming to her" and that people are leaving the candidates that they once favored and rushing to her. LOL

She claims that "..................people have resonated with my message.", which is not just a misuse/improper use of the word "resonates", but lousy English. And this from the woman who a bit later in the article claims that she will ban teleprompters from the White House and that she can talk well without one.

No,she isn't a Palin clone at all, she's a 10th rate Palin wannabe.

5 posted on 06/28/2011 11:05:03 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: 2ndDivisionVet; Brices Crossroads

People might have resonated with her message, but her message has not resonated with the people, neither Democrats nor Republicans. I know it’s a trivial slip of the tongue and that I shouldn’t be churlish. But either she or Rollins is orchestrating this badly. Brices wrote once speculating that Bachmann might be Palin’s Phil Crane. I hope not, but the evidence points ever more in that direction.

7 posted on 06/28/2011 11:08:41 PM PDT by definitelynotaliberal (There is no native criminal class except Congress. Mark Twain)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
She said Monday that movie legend John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, when it was actually serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

Actually, the truth is this: She said that movie legend John Wayne was from Waterloo, when it was actually his PARENTS.

Yes, John Wayne Gacy was from Waterloo. Why do you think that is? Maybe because he was named after a famous person who had ties to Waterloo?

Of course, the title is misleading as well, suggesting she was trying to say she was better than Palin, when she was saying they were two different people.

10 posted on 06/28/2011 11:11:08 PM PDT by CharlesWayneCT
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Loose lips sink ships...and with that in mind I feel that Bachmans biggest liability could very well be the fact that she was a foster parent to so many teen girls. Not that she did anything wrong, but, rather that the MSM can project the teen angst of one foster girl and turn it into monthly rites of naked goat sacrifices.

17 posted on 06/28/2011 11:21:33 PM PDT by crazyhorse691 (Obama makes me yearn for the good ol' days of Carter.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I remember that I liked Katherine Harris a lot for a while, until on FR, I started learning much more about her.

19 posted on 06/28/2011 11:22:50 PM PDT by ansel12 (America has close to India population of 1950s, India has 1,200,000,000 people now. Quality of Life?)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

- “and people that we have talked to have called up and said they want to leave the candidate they thought they were going to support and support me,”



I doubt such silly schoolyard mentality.

26 posted on 06/28/2011 11:33:45 PM PDT by Berlin_Freeper
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

The more she opens her mouth, the less I am impressed with her and understand why she would hire a sleeze like Ed Rollins.

31 posted on 06/28/2011 11:37:24 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Bachmann can dream on, but IMO she is going nowhere,

53 posted on 06/29/2011 1:42:50 AM PDT by Sea Parrot
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

The whole thread following this article is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen here. I’m sure President Obama would enjoy the spectacle. Governor Romney probably even more. I’m not sure even Mr. Obama deserves the verbal beating that Representative Bachmann is getting.

56 posted on 06/29/2011 3:26:09 AM PDT by Colonel Kangaroo
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
“I would love to have Gov. Palin’s support in this effort. I don’t have her cell phone number so I don’t know how to get in touch with her, but I wish her well,” Bachmann said

She should have stopped after the first sentence because NO ONE believes a single word after that.

If Michele doesn't know how to get in touch with Sarah, then Chris Wallace was right.

57 posted on 06/29/2011 3:54:51 AM PDT by USS Alaska (Nuke the terrorist savages.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

bachmann is correct... she IS NO PALIN CLONE.


From The Hill: [empahsis mine]

Bachmann was a Jimmy Carter Democrat

Speaking to the St. Cloud Times about her growing role on the national stage, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) references her past as a diehard Carter-Mondale supporter:

Q: You’ve been described as Democrats’ Public Enemy No. 1. How do you feel about being a target?

A: In being forceful and fighting for the positions that I’m standing for, I obviously must pose a threat for liberals advancing their agenda. I say that because I grew up a Democrat in a Democrat family. My husband and I both worked on Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign. The first time I ever came to Washington was to dance at Walter Mondale’s inaugural ball. It was a thrill for my husband and me, and we were both happy to work on behalf of Walter Mondale and Jimmy Carter. We really believed in them when we were in college. So in some ways I don’t understand why the Democratic Party would be opposed to me, because I stand for the same values that my parents stood for when we were Democrats”.


Remember... this is only two chapters of the 1980 democrat platform which is the democrat value system she still supports.


Here is Chapter ONE:

“Chapter I: The Economy A Commitment to Economic Fairness

The Democratic Party will take no action whose effect will be a significant increase in unemployment—no fiscal action, no monetary action, no budgetary action—if it is the assessment of either the Council of Economic Advisers or the Congressional Budget Office that such action will cause significantly greater unemployment.

In all of our economic programs, the one overriding principle must be fairness. All Americans must bear a fair share of our economic burdens and reap a fair share of our economic benefits.

High interest rates impose an unfair burden—on farmers, small businesses, and younger families buying homes. Recession imposes an unfair burden on those least able to bear it. Democratic economic policy must assure fairness for workers, the elderly, women, the poor, minorities and the majority who are middle class.”

I will include a snippet from Chapter Two... but if you stand for the values espoused in Chapter One... then one stands for the marxist policies of wealth redistribution.

“Chapter Two



To meet the goals of a program that will control costs and provide health coverage to every American, the Democratic Party pledges to seek a national health insurance program with the following features:

—Universal coverage, without regard to place of employment, sex, age, marital status, or any other factor;

—Comprehensive medical benefits, including preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, health maintenance and rehabilitation services, and complete coverage of the costs of catastrophic illness or injury;

—Aggressive cost containment provisions along with provisions to strengthen competitive forces in the market place;

—Enhancement of the quality of care;

—An end to the widespread use of exclusions that disadvantage women and that charge proportionately higher premiums to women;

—Reform of the health care system, including encouragement of health maintenance organizations and other alternative delivery systems;

—Building on the private health care delivery sector and preservation of the physician-patient relationship; —

Provision for maximum individual choice of physician, other provider, and insurer;

—Maintenance of the private insurance industry with appropriate public regulation;”


“In the 1980s we must move beyond these existing health care initiatives and tackle other problems as well. Long-Term Care—

We must develop a new policy on long-term care for our elderly and disabled populations that controls the cost explosion and at the same time provides more humane care.

We must establish alternatives to the present provisions for long-term care, including adequate support systems and physical and occupational therapy in the home arid the community, to make it unnecessary to institutionalize people who could lead productive lives at home.

We must support legislation to expand home health care services under Medicare and other health programs. Visits from doctors, nurses and other health personnel are a cost-effective and necessary program for the elderly who often cannot travel to medical facilities. Without home health services, many elderly citizens would be forced to give up their homes and shift their lives to institutions. Multilingual Needs—

We must support the utilization of bilingual interpreters in English-Spanish and other appropriate languages at federal and state-supported health care facilities. In addition, we support broader, more comprehensive health care for migrants.

These programs must increase the presence of men and minorities in nursing, and must be targeted toward women and minorities in other health professions. Minority and Women Health Care Professionals—

We recognize the need for a significant increase in the number of minority and women health care professionals. We are committed to placing greater emphasis on enrollment and retention of minorities and women in medical schools and related health education professional programs. We are also committed to placing a greater emphasis on medical research and services to meet the needs of minorities, women and children. Reproductive Rights—

We fully recognize the religious and ethical concerns which many Americans have about abortion. We also recognize the belief of many Americans that a woman has a right to choose whether and when to have a child. The Democratic Party supports the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion rights as the law of the land and opposes any constitutional amendment to restrict or overturn that decision. Furthermore, we pledge to support the right to be free of environmental and worksite hazards to reproductive health of women and men. We further pledge to work for programs to improve the health and safety of pregnancy and childbirth, including adequate prenatal care, family planning, counseling, and services with special care to the needs of the poor, the isolated, the rural, and the young. Financially Distressed Public Hospitals—

Frequently, the only sources of medical care for much of the inner city population is the public general hospital. The ever-increasing costs of providing high quality hospital services and the lack of insurance coverage for many of the patients served have jeopardized the financial stability of these institutions. Immediate support is required for financially distressed public hospitals that provide a major community service in urban and rural areas. In underserved areas where public hospitals have already been closed because of financial difficulty, we must explore methods for returning the needed hospitals to active service. We must develop financial stability for these hospitals. Our approach should stress system reforms to assure that more primary medical care is provided in free-standing community centers, while the hospital is used for referral services and hospitalization. Medicaid Reimbursement—

The Democratic Party supports programs to make the Medicaid reimbursement formulae more equitable. Unnecessary Prescriptions—”

59 posted on 06/29/2011 4:56:02 AM PDT by LibLieSlayer ("GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"! I choose LIBERTY and PALIN!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Bachmann will NEVER Get my phone. She angers me daily. Not a fan

60 posted on 06/29/2011 5:12:11 AM PDT by GoCards (RUN SARAH RUN)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Michele you can say whatever you want to but you are another Sarah Palin. Just not in the same league. Maybe in another 4 or 8 years you might be.
65 posted on 06/29/2011 6:02:51 AM PDT by McGruff (Why do they fear her so?)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
“I would love to have Gov. Palin’s support in this effort. I don’t have her cell phone number so I don’t know how to get in touch with her, but I wish her well,”


I like Bachmann, just not as much as I like Palin; but does Michelle really not know how to get in touch with Sarah Palin?

71 posted on 06/29/2011 6:22:58 AM PDT by SeaHawkFan
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
"... and people that we have talked to have called up and said they want to leave the candidate they thought they were going to support and support me,” Bachmann said.

I'd like to see this quote in full context since a whole lot of people ASS-U-ME they know who she's talking about.

Not that Freepers would ever allow themselves to get suckered by cleverly worded writing. (/s)

73 posted on 06/29/2011 6:40:00 AM PDT by Pan_Yan
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I’m not aiming this at you, 2ndDiv, but you’re atop the thread, so please don’t take offence.

I’m a real Sarahbot, Palinista or whatever the PDS’ers want to call us, and I’ve noticed a lot of anti-Bachmann venom over the past few days and it bothers me. Nothing wrong with spirited debate, but it’s approaching the name calling level of the PDS’ers on FR and I hate to see our side descending to that - assuming it’s not merely a bunch of new trolls.

Just my two Canadian cents (about 2.2 cents U.S. these days, though you’d never know it when you convert funds up here, LOL!).

Cheers - and keep up the good work with the Sarah threads, 2ndDiv.


99 posted on 06/29/2011 8:10:36 AM PDT by gymbeau (All the candidates are Palin' compared to Sarah.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

God help us, I had a vision this morning and saw how Rick Perry could actually ride all the way to the convention and end up getting the nomination. I wouldn’t mind that all that much. I think he’d be a good manager of the country and it is always forgotten that that is the first thing a president MUST have. OTOH, we’d have to be watching him like a hawk just like we did with W for when he starts getting up to his usual tricks with things like the HPV mandatory vaccines and the Trans Texas Corridor. But voting for him wouldn’t revolt me like it did with Capt. Queeg.

118 posted on 06/29/2011 10:26:39 AM PDT by ichabod1 (Nuts; A house divided against itself cannot stand.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Either one would make a great President, and I’d hope that both will have a chance at that office. Right now Bachmann’s in and Palin’s not. If Palin does join the race — a hard choice to make.

132 posted on 06/30/2011 9:27:52 AM PDT by bvw
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