1) Refuse to raise the debt ceiling. This forces cuts, even within entitlements.
2) Create a balanced budget, not a penny in deficit spending, send it to Obama for his signature. No signature, and the government shuts down. And it stays shutdown until he signs it. End of story. Put the ball in his court for the shutdown -- be serious about balancing the budget.
But the GOP will do neither of these things.
Most people say they want a balanced budget, but when you tell them that it would require cutting their welfare entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid)they start making up excuses why their welfare mustn’t be touched.
If we want a balanced budget, we are going to have to give up our welfare subsidies and stop whining about how we “paid in”.
I think what we need is an outright tax revolt. If and when a critical mass of taxpayers decide to “Just Say No” to paying taxes at all, this would definitely shake things up. Not even politicians will work for free.
Hey, a lot of taxpayers are getting close to broke anyway while our elected reps dither and feather their own nests, so at some point, Mr & Ms John Q Taxpayer will have have damn little left to lose.