Rove blew it. Someone needs to tell him. He is over.
Impossible for him to say as NO ONE had announced yet.
Karl, you ought to ask Sarah if she will accept your endorsement now, before it’s too late.
Rove wants conservtives to wallow around with a half dozen potential candidates while some RINO walks away with the prize. We need one conservative front runner by spring.
Rove truly has become the bastard, but not a magnificent one, as many FReepers once assigned to him.
He is an idiot. Someone tell Sean Hainnity who has RINO idiots like Rove and Newt on his radio show.
Karl is looking rather irrelevant these days.
He doesn’t know anything, but he sure is more than willing to spout off utter tripe.
Karl Rove is as much my enemy as Nancy P. Is. Why, you might ask?
Answer: He opposes Conservatism as much as she does, and further more he supports DC corruption as much as she does, pure and simple.
Know thy friends and enemies, and then proceed wisely, that’s my outlook!
Karl, Newt, The Huskster and others are paid against dedicated to the destruction of Our Republic because they operate for money at hand, and have no principles that they are willing to sacrifice for. JMHO
there really is no front runner,it’s too early to declare anyone as the potential winner.Chris Matthews especially has declared Sarah Palin as the winner. Maybe it’s because he wants her to win? so he can continue bashing her for the next two years? I am still sticking with my earlier predictions of either Pence or Thune(even though many Freepers don’t agree with me).
Oh, shut it Karl.
I’ll bet Rove will soon come out and tell us that it’s Dick Lugar’s turn in the GOP nomination barrel.
I thought he made some good points on the National Review cruise, but when I discussed my thoughts with the unassailable Kate O’Bierne, she said he was defending W’s and his policies.
Palin 2012... and Rove can KMA.
I’m not a big Palin fan, but Rove is a fool and a weasel. Palin is clearly the front runner at the moment. (I’d prefer DeMint, but he doesn’t have anything like her numbers or her...well...her numbers)
We don’t even have announced candidates yet.
Presidential politics have evolved — or devolved,depending on your viewpoint — so that they are in the news two of every four years of our lives. That’s absurd.
I agree with Rove.
If we have to put up with this for two years, let’s not try to crown a candidate yet. Let it play out. Vet them all, let them state their case, and let’s listen with open minds.
Anything can happen between now and the summer of 2012.
Let’s see. Sarah endorsed O’Donnell but O’Donnell wasn’t elected. I guess Sarah made a wrong guess. Nobody’s perfect.
Karl endorsed her, but said O’Donnell would lose. Whatever his motivation, Rove was right. Somehow, though he becomes the spawn of Satan in that single moment of clarity.
So how is it that making right predictions in his commentary is sufficient to move him from “Rove, you magnificent bastard,” to, “Rove, you stupid bastard”?
And when did we change the meaning of the initials “FR” from Free Republic to Fickle Republic?
Then again, maybe our motto should be ‘We kill and eat our wounded.” Now there’s a recipe for victory.
Rove, shut your liberal pie hole and get lost!