“The party should distance itself from Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Fox News, and the hate-mongering Bible Bunch...”
Yesssss, they want us to back away from the only sources of truth that are out there, not forgetting Rush & Sean of course.
Its laughable if it wasn’t so sickening!
Sounds like some of the opposition is scared to death! HAHA.
Hillarious parody of a Marxist bitter clinger !
This author is such a hypocrite.
- worst or most disappointing people
- no apparent goal except to disrupt, obstruct and demonize anything the new administration proposes
- foment hatred and vitriol
- lies as a good Christian Conservative Republican
- party embraces her hate-speak and works in concert with Fox News
- Glenn Beck liar-drone
- Palins vile mouth
- the hate-mongering Bible Bunch
- Tea Party idiots, birthers, and racists
- Tea Party terrorists used Nazi tactics to disrupt and halt the meetings
- ultra-conservative extremists
- incessant obstructionist stance and inability to tell the truth
Third generation Republican my ass, it's p!ssANTs like this little turd that's destroyed the Republican party in the first place. It's guys like this that fought against Reagan.
this has got to be satire, no one could be this deranged.
Ron isn’t intelligent enough to be interesting, so he just spews blarney.
I wonder if this jackass has any proof of this or is it just his moronic opinion.
Boy. Did any thought go into that piece whatsoever?
Sarah? Hate Speak? What is this guy smoking?
Here is my Guest Viewpoint I sent to the Eugene Register Guard and others about Sarah Palin. Under comments I was only able to post the last paragraph.
The U.K. Telegraph and others awarded Sarah Palin a prize for telling the greatest political lie of 2009. In fact her following statement discloses one of many deceits within health care legislation. Next follows an explanation of how this outcome will be realized.
“The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.”
Her anxiety arises from seeing hordes of new bureaucracies provide the framework for boundless regulatory masterpieces eroding human freedoms. The stimulus bill created the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the Health Information Technology Research Centers. These bureaucracies duplicated private sector information bases, utilizing computer technology for coordination and flow of recommendations and policies for medical knowledge. Now passage of HR 3962 and Senate legislation adds over 100 new boards, commissions and programs. For example a new Medicare Commission, exempt from judicial review, will unilaterally write rules about utilization and pricing of medical devices and drugs often needed by surgeons.
The HHS Secretary will use these bureaucracies to reflect Congressional intent; not the will of the people. The regulations will utilize disquieting legislative provisions, selected legislator speeches, and selected expert testimony. Regulations will incorporate ideas politicians consider too sensitive for public debate. Medical professionals will join other private sector professionals such as education financial aid directors and CPAs I know, who often serve as federal agents instead of client advocates.
Princeton bioethics professor Peter Singer recently presented in the New York Times Congressional intent without equivocation. Rationing health care means getting value for the billions spent by setting limits on which treatments should be paid for from the public purse .Theres no doubt that its tough politically, emotionally, and ethically - to make a decision that means that someone will die sooner than they would have if the decision had gone the other way .The task of health care bureaucrats is then to get the best value for resources they have been allocated .If a teenager can be expected to live another 70 years, saving that life gains 70 years, whereas a person of 85 can be expected to live another 5 years, then saving the 85-year-old will gain of only 5 life-years. That suggests saving one teenager is equivalent to saving 14 85-year-olds.
Peter Singers scientific approach reminds me of the Geneva Conventions, which attempt rational, moral threads to grasp during wars barbarity. For my Navy experience pulverizing a major enemy base in Vietnam, I especially liked the clear and obvious reading of Articles 28 and 29 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The VC were responsible for any civilian deaths on that base. Those civilians qualified as Protected Persons within the enemys physical control, and could not be used to render certain points and areas immune from military operations.
The passages furnished the basis for rules of engagement we followed when attacking a legitimate military target. Distance provided me the blessing of avoiding clean up after-wards for the mess I helped create. However, I am certain our task force was an effective death panel. We permanently shattered that VC main force unit, forcing it to surrender control of the region to South Vietnamese authority.
Government bureaucrats will apply similar detached patterns of analysis to those, which enabled our ship to apply over 400 rounds of naval artillery to a VC base camp. Politicians will use the implementation process to disconnect totally from consequences of their actions. The resulting health care regulations will place everyone on pathways to federally defined, cost effective, approved treatments. Seniors and the disabled will hold second class citizenship, because popular philosophies, as discussed above, find these people deficient in societal contributions compared to active workers and youth.
When Sarah Palin speaks of an America I know and love she understands that federal administrative laws and regulations are the soft underbelly of our Constitution. Pursuit of happiness means spiritual prosperity within the hazards and uncertainties of personal freedoms. Once again politicians offered enchanting material security, while obscuring subservience to rules vastly increasing their power. This legislation attacks our Bill of Rights by confiscating speech and religious freedoms, personal life without access to courts and trial, and Ninth Amendment personal freedoms guaranteed, but not enumerated by our Constitution.
Either that was satire, or someone’s anti-psychosis medication has lost its potency.
What makes you think the author is a Republican?
This person sounds scared, angry and confused.
I guess blaming obama for his total failure in his first year as President is out of the question...so lets blame Republicans instead.
It also seems she’s from Portland. Too bad Portland is chock full of liberal wackos; Oregon would be a great state otherwise.
Seminar writer...