With all do respect to you and God, who I also believe is the ultimate authority the constitution does not specifically mention things such as:
1) the death penalty
2) abortion
They both end life and neither are specifically mentioned and therefore fall under the 10 amendment.
The states do have the right to choose whether to have the death penalty or not.
Abortion should fall under that same guidline, if the constitution allows one, (or not) must allow the other (or not.)
I still say, Constitutionally, Sarah Palin is correct.
Actually the Constitution does address the death penalty. It requires it as punishment for treason, so it certainly is allowed for the states to impose it, if they choose to do so.
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
And the right to life is the ultimate right. No other right is superior to it. None.