ABC's hour-long free commercial for the 'Sluts {their own tattoed moniker!} on 4/24 was certainly subtle at times:
Did you note the graphics used three times of Maines (twice) and another celeb w/tape over their mouth? Oh, sure, the real problem is with conservatives who want to silence others, not with folks who think they can compartmentalize character & consequences from their behavior. The real problem is w/liberals who think there's a protective condom for every illicit sex act; an abortion for every "infringement" on their deluded "right" to parental sovereignty; and an escape hatch they call "protected free speech" for every bumble that flies out of "Wide Open Spaces."
Diane Sawyer at times framed the issue as "uncontrolled rage" {those conservatives are getting uppity again!) and "real questions about free speech" (sorry, freedom ALWAYS has a cost to it; 'tis called responsibilty & accountability).
Right before Sawyer's "encourage the enemy" question of the Chickidies, Sawyer meandered, "they say don't even normal people have a right to wonder...doubt" {the President)? Several times during the interview, "the right to question" came up. I'm sorry, Natalie, where again was your question mark in your original March 10 15-word statement?
And, finally, one of the other chicks (not Natalie) said toward the end of the Sawyer interview: "I will not let someone tell me I'm unpatriotic." Really, you mean, you'll censor us?
So our President can't tell Natalie, "I will not let someone say they're ashamed of me on foreign soil on the eve of war"; but tis OK for the Chix to ordain a solemn oath that "I will not let someone tell me I'm unpatriotic."