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A left-wing liberal view of what Republican's stand for

Posted on 03/23/2003 8:47:20 PM PST by cherry_bomb88

This came to me in an email from my old poly sci teacher from high school...he and I had been exchanging friendly debate about the war until he sent this: (This includes my responses, but I blanked out some of it due to "personal" information) PLEASE REMEMBER, THIS WAS SENT TO ME...I'M THE ONE RESPONDING, SO DON'T SHOOT ME! :) I'm one of you guys! :D

21 ways to be a better neoconservative Republican !

1) You have to believe that the nation's 8-year prosperity prior to W's administration was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush, but that today's growing deficit and rising gas prices are all Clinton's fault.

Most economists would be able to show you facts that this is, indeed, based in fact. The economy, like a large ship, takes some time to turn and cannot turn like a sports car. The economy was already slipping when Bush took office and, if you remember, in his first year Bush was already taking measures to try and turn it around. For instance, all the tax cuts that Bush imposed will not fully take effect for 10 years, thus when they fully help the economy, it could be Ross Perot who is in office and he'd take the credit for it. This will never change, whoever is in office takes the blame or the credit, whether or not it's deserved or due.

2) You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.

I do not believe that at all...thus why Republicans use the term "old money" and "new money". There are those that are self-made millionaires and have worked their asses off to get their money. Likewise, it's easy to lose a fortune you inherit, so even if you are "born" into money, you still have to work to keep it. Twice as hard thanks to the tax & spend/spend & tax democrats.

3) You have to be against government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.

Actually, most of us would like to find some way to privatize social security too. The government F**KS that up like they do every other well-intended program. Most of us believe in some form of government ASSISTANCE, but not in third generation welfare families. Come to central Illinois and see how many people totally capable of working WHITE, not BLACK, are abusing the welfare system b/c they would rather sit on their a***s and watch Gerry Springer all day. Which also brings me to the fact, most republicans (outside of David Duke and his buddies) are NOT racists, quite the opposite. Remember, it was Lincoln who freed the slaves. Additionally, I know far more racist democrats than I do racist republicans, most are the redneck profamily, prochurch gun toting democrats who are only democrats because they want their welfare checks or they are in a union.

4) You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives, yet you want government to regulate who can get married, what they can't do in their bedroom, and what your official language should be.

Not sure how to respond to this. The official language of America is ENGLISH...and yes, I firmly believe that. IF you move to any other country you will be expected to learn their language, so if someone wants to move here, they should be expected to learn ours! If they don't like it, don't move here. As far as who gets married...well, I have no problems with gays, have some friends that are, but they choose that life, knowing they don't have the same freedoms and rights as others.

5) You have to believe that pollution is ok, so long as it makes a profit.

Don't believe pollution is ok, but more pollution is caused by old clunker cars driven by the lower income brackets & the welfare population than is caused by new SUV's with lots of anti-pollution devices, however the democrats will never speak against them because that is voting base. If you are going to "outlaw" SUV's, then outlaw cars that are over a certain age. I don't think anyone thinks pollution is ok, and I know many republicans and big business that recycle at large rates to decrease pollution and waste.

6) You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha.

Actually, we celebrate all regligions (again, don't hold Buchanan, Duke or Falwell against us, that'd be like us holding Fahrekan against you). I am all for everyone being allowed to pray in school or have a moment of silence whatever their religion is. The problem is, many democrats want to make us a totally religionless & atheist nation. That's the opposite extreme.

7) You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.

Most other republicans I know, even those in the church, don't believe this at all. We do whatever we can to protect our children. I just don't want the school teaching them for me or taking them to get the pill for me, that is my job.

8) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about her own body, but that large multi-national corporations should have no regulation or interference whatsoever.

Actually, has nothing to do with the woman having a right to choose, it has everything to do with that child having a choice. That and no one counsels the woman on the emotional after effects. It's like killing someone, no matter what you believe, it will stick with you. I know many woman that bear the emotional scars of this. All we are saying is that woman should be required to talk to both sides before they get the procedure and know ALL The facts. As far as business regulations, you (or whoever wrote this) really needs to go back to school and take some business classes, multi national or domestic, they are highly regulated, the cost of regulations are what keep them from being able to employ more people. Whoever wrote this should really be more informed before they speak out....same with the war protesters...same old "no war for oil" BS, it's just words and is not based in fact AT ALL. We didn't take the oil the first time, we're not going to take it now....and if oil was what we wanted from Iraq, we could have just removed sanctions, they would have GLADLY sold us the oil and drove down the prices of oil.

9) You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred of AIDS victims, homosexuals, and ex-President Clinton.

Actually, most christians (again, remove Buchanan, Falwell & Duke from this) love everyone, even AIDS victims, homosexuals & ex-President Clinton and pray for them daily. Most Christians live by the motto "love the sinner hate the sin"....just because we don't agree with them or their way of life, doesn't mean we don't love them. I don't agree with democrats, but still have many as friends.

10) You have to believe that society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn't diminish your opportunities, but you still won't vote for Alan Keyes.

I would vote for Keyes in a heart beat and again, see my previous comment...I know WAY more racist democrats than I do republicans. In fact, if any of my republican friends or colleagues are racist, then it's a closet thing for them, I've NEVER heard them express anything that would lead me to believe they are. I also know LOTS of black republicans. I am color blind, as are most of my friends. I don't believe all of society is, and we don't believe that there aren't "blocks" for young blacks that we don't face as "whites". We do, however, think that affirmative action only causes reverse racism and enrages whites that are racist or border line racist. I can give you an cousin was a captain in the Navy with a very highly regarded service record and many years in service, he was up for admiral and they gave it to a woman, not because she was more qualified, but because of affirmative action. That happens within race issues too. Equal playing field for everyone means EQUAL....not quotas or special requirments, etc.

11) You have to believe that it was wise to allow Ken Starr to spend $50 million dollars to attack Clinton because no other U.S. presidents have ever been unfaithful to their wives.

Has nothing to do with infidelity and EVERYTHING to do with purgery (last time any of us checked, purgery was still a felony). As well as the misuse of the oval office.

12) You have to believe that a waiting period for purchasing a handgun is bad because quick access to a new firearm is an important concern for all Americans.

I have no problem with REASONABLE waiting periods....but I do have a problem with the government picking and chosing which weapons to ban. Why is it that the 2nd amendment is no longer valid, but the ones that benefit the democrats when they need them are??? I want the right to protect myself if needed. I live in a bottom floor condo in suburbia....if I want to keep a handgun to shoot a would-be raper crawling through my window, that's my right.

13) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of schools, because we all know if teenagers don't have condoms they won't have sex.

Again, see my comment on the virgins...we don't believe that but the school system & teachers are not my kids parents!!!! I should be the one to be the parent. I realize as a teacher, Mr. D, you see many parents that aren't parents, however, that should not negate my right to be one!!!! I will decide when and how my kids get protection. I am not naive, I was a teenager, I know they are going to do what they are going to do, as do most republicans, we just believe that parents are the parents, not the school system...again, using your words "we don't want the government to interfer in our bedrooms and our houses".

14) You have to believe that the ACLU is bad because they defend the Constitution, while the NRA is good because they defend the Constitution.

The ACLU does not defend the constitution, they try and interpet it and rewrite it to benefit their cases & causes. The NRA is single minded and defends ONE part of the constitution and does not try to redefine that part, it just defends it!

15) You have to believe that socialism hasn't worked anywhere, and that Europe doesn't exist.

Socialism in it's true form has NOT worked any where and still allowed it's people to remain free (remember the fall of the Berlin Wall?????). As a republican, we believe in DEMOCRACY & CAPITALISM, the principals on which this country was founded....if the socialist faction of the democrats do not like this...they are free to move to a socialist country. We are not changing our country to benefit them. Europe exist, we've faught for it MANY times...unfortuantely, when we ask for their support, they do not provide us the same support....with the exception of a few countries.

16) You have to believe the AIDS virus is not important enough to deserve federal funding proportionate to the resulting death rate and that the public doesn't need to be educated about it, because if we just ignore it, it will go away.

No, we don't, we think it's VERY important to fund it, but it should be funded equally as is Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Heart Disease and all the other things that are worthy of funding. Again, you are listening to Duke, Buchanan, & Falwell. The mainstream Republican Party would love to see all diseases wiped out and we know AIDS isn't going away.

17) You have to believe that biology teachers are corrupting the morals of 6th graders if they teach them the basics of human sexuality, but the Bible, which is full of sex and violence, is good reading and right on the mark.

Wow, I don't think that's what we're saying. We think, again, that human sexuality, at least as it refers to things like masturbation, homosexuality and the act of sex itself is the responsibility of the parents. Morals were NEVER intended to be taught at school. Who are the schools to tell my children what is right and wrong morally???? Let's go a step further, the teaching of creation vs. evolution...Democrats believe that creation is a "theory" in the true spirit of science, shouldn't they teach both??? Additionally, I remember learning Mythology in school, isnt' that an acient form of religion??? Why not have a whole class on comparing the world religions and give the kids a chance to appreciate our differences??? Get off the sexuality (outside of the reproductive system) and let the morals & sexuality be taught in the home.

18) You have to believe that Chinese communist missiles have killed more Americans than handguns, alcohol, and tobacco.

I don't think anyone believes that, least of all those in the Republican party, however the more I read of this, the more I believe whoever wrote it was an extremist left-winged communist/socialist. And guess what, I'll say it again....THIS COUNTRY IS A DEMOCRACY & BASED ON CAPITALISM...IF YOU LIKE SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM, GO MOVE TO A COUNTRY THAT IS BASED IN THAT!

19) You have to believe that even though governments have supported the arts for 5000 years and that most of the great works of Renaissance art were paid for by governments, our government should shun any such support. After all, the rich can afford to buy their own art and the poor don't need any.

Where did this come from??? Because we don't want to support "pornography" such as Maplethorp??? Art is one thing, poronography is another. Most Republicans are patrons of the art. However, I don't think that we should have to support starving artists, nor should anyone, again, if your art is good, people will buy it, if not, well, find another profession.

20) You have to believe that the lumber from the last one percent of old growth U.S. forests is well worth the destruction of those forests and the extinction of the several species of plants and animals therein.

More animals have been taken off the endangered species list in the last 10 years than added. Lumber companies are replanting, and there are government requirements about what percentage can be torn down. Most mainstream Republicans agree with the preservation of our forests, animals and natural parks, however there are extremists on the other side that would prefer us running around the woods naked and do things like pass laws that you have to have a hunting license to set a mouse trap (see the California law books, this is a fact). Again, more recycled paper products & plastic products are used than ever before.

21) You had to believe that we should forgive and pray for Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, and Bob Livingston for their marital infidelities, but that bastard Clinton should have been removed from public service. Amen.

Well, the difference is, the former stepped down and/or admitted to their infidilities, the latter (ie: Clinton) lied, lied again, and lied under oath.

TOPICS: AMERICA - The Right Way!!
KEYWORDS: democrats

1 posted on 03/23/2003 8:47:20 PM PST by cherry_bomb88
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To: cherry_bomb88
Looks like you did real well, and you are new to FR and haven't had YEARS of experience in bashing the Dems over their heads with their own stupidity. Y'allright.
2 posted on 03/23/2003 11:44:41 PM PST by Professional
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To: Professional
Ah, yes...just found you guys at the pro-troops rally this weekend...but, I am a born & bred Orange County, California strong military family history freedom loving Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge die-hard conservative Republican! :D Glad to find some of my own with whom to converse! :o)

Thanks for the kudos...I could have gone on and on with him and thought of more stuff, but tried to KISS....because you know, you get too complex and the liberals just don't understand.

Amazing that he was my high school poly sci teacher and yet, I'm still a conservative. Oh yeah, that's back when PARENTS taught morals. :o) (I have a really good friend that graduated from Bezerkly a die-hard republican too...he said their idiotology only served to strengthen his beliefs)
3 posted on 03/23/2003 11:53:18 PM PST by cherry_bomb88 (Conservative news junkies unite!)
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To: cherry_bomb88
It's a clicke, but an immutable truth.

Never wrestle with a pig, the pig enjoys it and you only get muddy.

Socialists are incapable of logic, thier entire platform is based on emotion and distortion of fact. Trying to explain the positon of supporters of the Republic to one of these unfortunates is like trying to explain a pocket calculator to a neanderthal.

Expect them to grunt at you, grab a club and bash the calculator as evil, then come after you for bringing the evil into thier midst.

4 posted on 03/27/2003 12:18:38 AM PST by Rasputin_TheMadMonk (Yes I am a bastard, but I'm a free, white, gun owning bastard. Just ask my exwife.)
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To: Rasputin_TheMadMonk
You are right....but it's so fun to mud wrestle! :o)
5 posted on 03/27/2003 6:59:09 AM PST by cherry_bomb88 (Born & raised native California Girl transplanted in Daley Hell)
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Comment #6 Removed by Moderator

To: Go Dub Go
I no longer live in Orange County, but where on earth do you get the idea that I think some Americans should have fewer rights??? The points that were made were made by a liberal democrat and the answers (the paragraph after the points as I didn't know how to use the html yet when I posted that) are my points....that's not my views...I was addressing the views of a liberal.
7 posted on 04/03/2003 5:29:03 PM PST by cherry_bomb88 (teenagers are a parent's revenge on their kids)
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