Some department store digital cameras can be attached to higher end scopes. Like the Nikon Cool Pix and a few others as there lense housing is threaded, and they make attachments for these cameras to the eyepieces of these cameras.
Check this image out! This is by an amature!
This was taken with an Olympus C-2100, using a 14.5 Starmaster, 18mm Radian / Televue Adapter, ISO 100, full manual, 1/10 Sec. Exposures , 10x Optical Zoom , 220 Images Stacked ,RegiStax/PSP7 , Histgram , Levels, Unsharp Mask ,noise reduction
That's a great image of Saturn. Was the image fairly bright already? Or did it need to be punched up a little? Utterly amazing what scenes from other planets finally manage to come back to us under an ocean of air!