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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
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| 01-31-03
| The Heavy Equipment Guy
Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe
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Eyes In The SkyAviation Week & Space Technology | March 31, 2003 | Robert Wall, Air Base Near Iraq
On The Mark . . .
Aviation Week & Space Technology | March 31, 2003 | Robert Wall, Air Base Near Iraq
Ordeal By Fire
Aviation Week & Space Technology | March 31, 2003 | Robert Wall, USS Denver
Guerrilla War
Aviation Week & Space Technology | March 31, 2003 | Robert Wall
Since 9/11, the climax of several Clintonista messes, President Bush's job has become exponentially tougher. He really HAS come through like the real version of every classic and enduring Hollywood hero.
Only 3rd world cesspits have any use for the UN and use it as for leverage to try to get their way with developed nations. Muslims love to use the UN and have hijacked it to a certain extent.
posted on
04/01/2003 9:12:34 AM PST
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)..."( Oslo, dot-bombs, clintons...))
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posted on
04/01/2003 11:46:28 AM PST
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)..."( Oslo, dot-bombs, clintons...))
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Garofalo pretty much let the cat out of the bag when she was asked why she didn't protest the bombing of Serbia by Clinton. Her reply was that it just "wasn't hip" back then.
“Dissent is being criminalized.”
Standard lefty line. Criticism of their views is labelled as "censorship" of "dissent", self-appointing themselves as heroic actors. It's a grandiose pose. Also it's an example how they are the least likely to listen to other views. Instead of argument they rely on incredulity about polls. Almost always they talk in slogans and talking points.
posted on
04/01/2003 1:20:21 PM PST
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)..."( Oslo, dot-bombs, clintons...))
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Fedayeen use children as shield
The Daily Telegraph ^ | April 2, 2003 | Martin Bentham
Of course they don't ask the children. They just assume the children will accept this as truth. Check out this. Its a caller to Arab TV saying [he] teaches his daughter everyday to hate Jews and then shows glee when the daughter tells [him] everyday that she hates them.
These folks have had a monopoly for so many years they got used to it. When you get to define the terms of the debate, it's really easy to win. They got stale and silly. The Internet and talk radio has changed all this. They not only don't get to define the terms of the debate, we don't even invite them, with predictable, juvenile result.
Hot topics from Cool Canada:
posted on
04/01/2003 4:35:25 PM PST
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Ain't it great to have a President instead of a spoiled brat?
"We're coming! And freedom's coming with us!"
If a Republican tried to pull this stunt, the AP would say, 'but critics question the authenticity of the statement, blah, blah, blah'
From concept to approval to construction, this project will take approximately 7 years. Power, it's yours if you want it.
Quoting Gommer Pyle here,"Surprise, surprise, surprise."
Socialism cannot keep up economically with capitalism, so they have to steal it from us.
"I expect that most of the media will not carry this story. They are too busy trying to run the war."
posted on
04/02/2003 1:31:37 AM PST
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)...")
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They weren't torturing her for information. She was the youngest, female, and wounded. They were torturing her in front of the others for information from them.
posted on
04/02/2003 3:16:14 AM PST
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)...")
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I've been waiting for the class action lawsuit against the States by SMOKERS who demand that the tobacco $$$ be applied to cessation programs, education and healthcare - like it was ADVERTISED.
From Vietnam To Iraq: Time And Technology Finally Catches Up With Peter Arnett's Propaganda
Toogood Reports ^ | April 2, 2003 | Mary Mostert
For the first time since 1945, we are seeing a war again from the vantage point of the soldier, through some of the embedded reporters, especially those with military experience like Oliver North.
posted on
04/02/2003 8:22:27 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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posted on
04/02/2003 10:33:06 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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Dennis Prager had a caller this morning to his syndicated show which epitomized the hatred that many in the anti-war movement have for President Bush.
To easily find and access "Tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast"-- the stories and issues that the press and media either ignore, won't even talk about, or will mention once and forevermore claim "it's old news..." go here:
...and go to the last entry, then scroll backward.
posted on
04/02/2003 12:22:50 PM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
To: All
What about the DUBOB series?
They are thousands of articles, stories, and opinions of what I have dubbed "DUBOB's"- stories from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast- the tales the Media just doesn't like to talk about.
So far there are 11 separate posts ( all linked at the beginning ) and the latest, DUBOB 11, is updated every day.
I simply ask that you and your readers look, and judge for yourselves the merits of these.
Virtually all articles are "sourced"-- there's a link back to the original, so you can judge for yourself the merits. You won't get that from TV sound bites. The posters' opinions which follow are often more illuminating than the articles.
There is a wealth of information- some of it unique- on this site for those with eyes to see.
While we liberate Iraq, Europe is busy planning to enslave us The Daily Telegraph ^ | April 3, 2003 | Ambrose Evans-PritchardBy the time the Iraqi crisis is over, it may already be too late for the Government to stop a political disaster in Europe. The European Union's first constitution will be a done deal, and, from what we have seen of the text so far, it will usher in a new order that overturns the governing basis of British parliamentary democracy for ever.
Isn't this the same old "We need a change!" that brought us Bill, Hillary and the most open and honest administration in history?
You know, there are millions of Americans who would be perfectly happy keeping this a NARROW "war against terrorism" and not an international "war against Islam," but the muslims keep stepping in it.
The American advance to the gates of Baghdad is not the end. It may not even be the beginning of the end. But it is undoubtedly the end of the beginning.
posted on
04/02/2003 3:40:42 PM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
To: All
Note the last paragraph, warning the international community that Saddam IS a "clear and present danger", but the UN, even 2 years later and post 9-11, still didn't see this.
Pass this to a leftist you loathe. Force them to read it. When they pass out, administer the smelling salts, and force them to read it again.
Leftists would just blame it on the Republicans for backing the embargo. Of course, there would be no mention of Clinton failing to stop the embargo. He was prevented from doing so by the obstructionist Republicans in Congress. Yada, yada yada....
posted on
04/02/2003 4:56:29 PM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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Convoy stopped. Fairly light exchange of fire right now. Chris Kelly reporting.
Many of you (like me) have been stunned by the hatred of the comments by Prof. DeGenova at Columbia, when he called for violence and death of U. S. military personnel.
Maybe his comments are easier to understand when we look again at the attitude of the President of Columbia, who is angry that military recruiters have to be allowed on campus...
I cancelled my NY Slimes subscription this year after 26 years of receiving the rag. I signed up for the Post. I remember when I was in high school, the times claimed it was written for a 10th grade level. Now I think they're down to 7th grade.
We get the New York Times for free--although it's worth less.
Report: Iraq torture chamber found
CNN ^ | Wednesday, April 2, 2003
I was talking to a liberal about the war today and she said "that we are really going to be up creek if we don't find some WMD soon"....I said, "no, by then we will be up Saddam's butt"....she dropped her jaw!
She's a watermellon. Green on the outside, red on the inside.
Now...are we starting to see what needs to be done about is-slime?
posted on
04/03/2003 1:57:35 AM PST
(A nuke for every Kook ( NK, Iraq, Iran, Pak, India... )- what a Clinton "legacy...")
To: All
The Iraqi regime appears to be collapsing.
We've already got special ops in control of parts of Baghdad. Fox's experts are openly speculating that this could all be over in less than 24 hours. Not probable, but possible.
posted on
04/03/2003 2:31:47 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
To: All
Iraqi deserters describe front-line despair
Boston Globe ^ | April 3, 2003 | David Filipov
"Quite frankly, the average British infantryman is far better. They're a tribe of feral monsters, but they're highly disciplined monsters. You don't want to get in their way,"
GOTTA SEE THIS-WarEndur.Freedom 4/2/03-H2,Mosul,Al Hindiyah,Khasib,Thunbah Al Hamra,Basra
DOD, IraqiTV, Yahoo, AP, Reuters, and the usual suspects | 4/2/03 | The Armies of Good against the Axis of Evil
posted on
04/03/2003 3:05:47 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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posted on
04/03/2003 3:56:44 AM PST
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The UN's Power Path: Greening The Globe
Toogood Reports ^ | April 3, 2003 | Tom DeWeese
posted on
04/03/2003 7:32:53 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
To: All
What a bunch of vultures. I pray they and their "Freedom Loving " kind are not allowed anywhere near the Iraqi women.
posted on
04/03/2003 9:17:07 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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posted on
04/03/2003 11:59:36 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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OK - now picture President Hillary Clinton with these same sweeping powers to intrude into your privacy. Still agree?
posted on
04/03/2003 1:10:34 PM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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Its presence in Manhattan, so close to Ground 0, is becoming so odious.
posted on
04/03/2003 4:04:35 PM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
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