We're straying pretty far from Dr. DiLusionals latest Lincoln character assassination, but exactly what Bush policies were those?
The oft-shown tape of April Glaspie meeting with Saddam in which she assured him we had no interest in his dispute with Kuwait.
Like DiLorenzo's "work", the Glaspie "wink and nod" to Saddam are the stuff of myth, Walt. It simply did not happen that way. The dispute was over who was taping into who's oil along the border, not whether Kuwait was an independent nation or Saddam's Province #19.
Saddam did what he did because he was a G-D madman who was convinced that the US would never react because of the "Vietnam" experience. He did the same damn thing 10 years earlier by invading Iran shortly after the Shaw left. He didn't think the Iranian armed forces would fight him. A million Iraqi deaths later, he understood differently. The guy is basically a Hitler with bad generals.