Christians are not the followers of pedophiles.
However, certain Christian leaders are pedophiles.
Hitler and the Communists based their degenerate philosophies on evolution - as I and others have already abundantly shown on this thread.
And you've been wrong. Hitler based his philosophies on a combination of Theosophy (look it up) and Lutheranism. Anti-Semitism was as old as Europe. Stalin based his beliefs on Marx and Lysenko, and was most assuredly not an evolutionist.
Also that you join your atheist friend in broad brushing Christians in this manner, shows your own atheism.
I'm not broad-brushing anyone. PatrickHenry was simply pointing out the fallacious nature of the creos' guilt-by-association argument in regards to evolution. One can no more blame communism or pedophilia on Christians than one can blame Naziism on evolutionists. That you cannot grasp this simple fact does not speak well for your cognitive abilities.