That is why we are in the state we are in as a country, because everyone underestimates the mendacity of the left, and assumes it will just all work out, because "That can't be right".
As Loney and I discussed OTP this A.M. the NJ statute is obvuiously in contravention to the Constitutionally mandated 6 year term of office, BUT, there is never a guarantee that you will ever get to be heard on any issue, especially this one because Article 1, also provides in Section 5, that Section. 5. " Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members"
And it is not outside the realm of possibility that SCOTUS will not want to have to further Politicize the Court, just because dummycrats keep winning in Liberal States, forcing the arguments up the chain.
They could very well decide to push this off to the Senate, should the Torch Resign inside of 30 days, and Mc Greedy appoint a successor, and cancel the election.
Remember, if they try to go that route, they could do it a day or two before election day, and just remove that race from the eligible balotting without so much as touching a machine, and the results will be grotesquely skewed, because people will be told there is no race in that spot, regardless of what is on the Machine.