No one said we have to agree. And you are free to think anything you want regardless of its merits. Before Columbus, everyone else in the world thought the earth was flat.
Teddy Kennedy and Robert Byrd make laws every day that you and I have to live with. Their thoughts could not be farther apart from my own. Can anyone identify anything that either of these two have ever gotten right? Now the voters in their states send these two back like clock work and none of us who do not live in their states ever get to contradict the misguided constitutents of these two crack pots. And your children and grandchildren would have to live with their errors compounded, assuming you believe the US has a life after the bills for the boomers' Medicare and Social Security start coming due. What kind of life and retirement will your children have if the government actually attempts to force them to pay these huge unfunded liabilities? Part of the reason the boomers have not been able to save to support their own retirements is that they have been paying for their own parents' retirement. Upside down pyramids fall over. Ours will be no exception. South Dakotans are by and large conservative and only represent a tiny percentage of the population. Yet the one man they re-elect every year, is blocking a large part of the agenda that most of the viewers of this site would like to see enacted. And there are not a handful of Freepers that will ever have the chance to defeat Daschle. How much difference has Daschle's influence and power made to you personally and to your way of life?
Politicians in Washington have too much power. How many of you on this site would disagree with that statement? I would ask you how do you think they acquire power? One of the ways is by seniority. The longer they stay the more power they accumulate and the more they learn how to use it. Things get to be old adages because they are generally true. Have you heard the one about, "absolute power corrupts absolutely?"
And I believe that states should have the right to decide how the representatives and senators for that state are chosen.
Politicians in Washington have too much power. How many of you on this site would disagree with that statement?Not I.
I would ask you how do you think they acquire power? One of the ways is by seniority.Here is where your logic breaks down.
Politicians in aggregate have too much power. But seniority increases (or can increase) the power of an individual politician relative to other politicians.
Term limits may possibly help in cutting down the power one politician can accumulate via seniority. It does nothing to prevent or minimize the power of politicians in aggregate.
Besides, there are term limits already. The good Lord put an expiration date on us all.
For every Byrd that term limits would get, there is a Thurmond. For every Kennedy, a Helms.
Ironically, since entrenched incumbents generally only get token opposition, term limits would cut down on such races, which would lead to an increase in the amount of special interest money pouring in to the races.
You want real reform? Make it that Senators aren't elected, back to the way it was originally. All that special interest money used to influence the election of Senators just goes away. And if the Senate can't be bought, why would the special interests even try to buy the House?