Posted on 02/19/2025 6:32:02 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
The latest in a long line of winter storms is taking direct aim at the East Coast, threatening to dump heavy snow and some ice in several states.
A storm that dropped snow in the Midwest was spreading across the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys on Wednesday, bringing more misery to some places just starting to clean up from deadly weekend floods.
Up to 10 inches of snow was possible along the Atlantic Coast in Virginia and significant ice accumulations were forecast in eastern North Carolina, the National Weather Service said.
Elsewhere, a polar vortex took over from Montana to southern Texas. Bismarck, North Dakota, hit minus 39 degrees early Tuesday, breaking a record for the date set in 1910.
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While he does post somewhat sensationalist headlines, he gives a very good synopsis of what the weather could, and could not, do.
He’s very upfront about the uncertainty of some of the forecasts.
This Winter Pattern Will SHATTER Records... Max Velocity
Ryan Hall is more laid back but just as good.
The Weather Pattern Is About To Completely Flip...Ryan Hall, Y’all
And yes, while the snow totals will vary, there is a danger with this weather from the temperatures. People need to know.
Norfolk is going to be a mess
It’s cold because it’s getting warmer. The experts say so:
Why we still have brutal cold snaps even as the planet warms to record levels
CNN wouldn’t lie to you, now would they?
I’m old enough to remember when winter storms were called things like “Nor’easter” and “Clipper”...
Now they are called hyperbolic names like “River of destruction” “Snowmaggedon” “Bomb Cyclone” “Polar Vortex” “Atmospheric Lake” “Mega-death Snow Bomb” (OK I made that last one up)
Just checked New York and Connecticut, looks like it misses us again.
17 deg in Dallas this morning.
We are cold in Hilton Head SC. But home, KY, the basement was flooded with a stupid failure of the sump pump. Already called USAA and got things moving. Thank heaven for our son who found it when he checked the house. And I was concerned about his condo.
It’s 12 deg now in Plano, just north of Dallas, with a light dusting of snow. That’s even colder than where my sister lives in Michigan. I’m tired of winter.
Yes it looks like the global warming request was rejected again.
Climate change hair on fire!
Given that our bureaucracy couldn’t be bothered to lay in enough road salt, I’m happy for it to go south.
Plus they are now given names. Like winter storm Bob.
I guess IF they are a named storm, like a hurricane, they sound more ominous.
It mus t be a conspiracy by the MILK and BREAD producers to increase their sales. Every grocery store in the storms path will sell out the day or two prior.
What has SOLD OUT here in southern NH is ROCK SALT, CALCIUM CHLORIDE and other ICE MELTER products.
On Saturday you could not find a bag of any ice melter products in the area. Every store was sold out.
I guy posted on the local Facebook page that Lowes had a pallet in stock. You better get some before its all gone.
FYI, my company sells Ice melter products by the truckload.
Our largest supplier is American Rock Salt out of Retsof, NY. About 40 miles south of Rochester. It is the largest rock salt mine in the world. However, we have NOT been able to buy any salt from them for about a month now. That is because the NY State government took ALL of the salt they could produce to clear the state roads. They had run out because of the large amount of LAKE EFFECT snow they have been receiving down wind from both Eire and Ontario.
There are spots about 20-30 miles north of Syracuse that just keep getting hammered. Multiple FEET from each storm.
In the Green Mountains of VT the northern most ski areas like Smugglers Notch, Stowe and Jay Peak have received the most snow in years. Jay went over 300 inches this week for the season.
I don’t believe it. According to the Goracle snow is no longer a thing.
“Winter’s next wave of storms takes direct aim at East Coast, threatening heavy snow in several states”
around here, snow storms aren’t a “threat”, they’re welcome and vital events: without winter snowstorms, we have no water during the summer!
No, they’re names that meteorologists have been using for years.
Except the ones the media made up.
Thank God.
I’m looking forward to next week when the temperatures are supposed to be hitting the low 40’s!
Lol true, and don’t forget toilet paper Wil. Sell out in any “emergency” quickly, so plan ahead.
By Sat the temperatures are supposed to be starting to get above freezing, with 40’s for next week.
Just hang tight.
It’s not just about snow storms. It’s more than snow. It’s ice and very cold temperatures.
For areas not prepared for it because they rarely get it, it’s a problem.
How about instead of sneering at others you just thank God for what you do or don’t get?
Additionally, those kinds of temperature contrasts can produce tornadoes.
Nothing to blow off.
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