Posted on 12/09/2024 11:56:20 AM PST by nickcarraway
Guyana is revisiting a dark history nearly half a century after U.S. Rev. Jim Jones and more than 900 of his followers died in the rural interior of the South American country.
It was the largest suicide-murder in recent history, and a government-backed tour operator wants to open the former commune now shrouded by lush vegetation to visitors, a proposal that is reopening old wounds, with critics saying it would disrespect victims and dig up a sordid past.
Jordan Vilchez, who grew up in California and was moved into the Peoples Temple commune at age 14, told The Associated Press in a phone interview from the U.S. that she has mixed feelings about the tour.
She was in Guyana’s capital the day Jones ordered hundreds of his followers to drink a poisoned grape-flavored drink that was given to children first. Her two sisters and two nephews were among the victims.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Don’t they have any beaches or anything? Surely anything would be a better tourist attraction than such a sad site.
They should call it a communist paradise. Jim Jones was a lifelong communist, and founded the People’s Temple after he became an atheist.
No shocker, but pedo Harvey Milk wrote President Carter to ask him to intervene in a child custody battle on Jones' behalf. A couple left the cult, but somehow Jones had the kid on his compound and wasn't giving him up.
People will go there in droves. I remember when the stairs that the catholic priest fell down in Georgetown was revealed. I lived near there. People were walking up and down them.
Yes, it’s morbid, some might even call it ghoulish, but Hey,
don’t we still have re-enactment shows in reference to Gettysburg?
**Just this year, July 6 and 7th, gunpowder filled the air during the Reenactment that took place at The Historic Daniel Lady Farm in Gettyburg, Pennsylvania
Whp will have the kool aid concession?
Sadly, no Kool aid.
Everyone in that demographic has died off.
Da fuq???
any worse that the Vietnamese turning war time tunnels and pungi traps into walking tours? careful where you step!
Pretty sick, but not surprising, for this world.
The way the world is headed, I expect a repeat - only this time, it will be everyone, with 900 left.
Like Civil War battlefields.
The book discloses how Nazis were in the CIA’s start. Chapter 6 on the “H File” is one of the most fascinating things I’ve read.
The book shared how Jonestown kept Venezuela from taking over disputed territory, so that may be a good thing.
Despite weekly medical exams, the Jonestown medical records “disappeared.”
Jim Jones. Democrat party hero...
We moved to SF and had to drive past the People’s Temple every day going to work. It felt creepy even from the street, the very definition of “bad vibes”.
That was about two months before they moved to Jonestown and drank the Kool Aid.
It’s still a mystery to me why anyone would be that stupid. But “drinking the Kool Aid” remains an apt definition for idiots following an evil leader. Kamalala voters, for example.
Back in Jonestown, Jones commanded everyone to gather in the main pavilion and commit what he termed a “revolutionary act.” The youngest members of the Peoples Temple were the first to die, as parents and nurses used syringes to drop a potent mix of cyanide, sedatives and powdered fruit juice into children’s throats. Adults then lined up to drink the poison-laced concoction while armed guards surrounded the pavilion.
When Guyanese officials arrived at the Jonestown compound the next day, they found it carpeted with hundreds of bodies. Many people had perished with their arms around each other. A few residents managed to escape into the jungle as the suicides took place, while at least several dozen more Peoples Temple members, including several of Jones’ sons, survived because they were in another part of Guyana at the time.
Chapter 5 here is quite an interesting read
Thanks. I didn’t know about any of that. Not the CIA, nor Jones moving to Brazil for a while, nor about gunshots in the back at Jonestown.
Honestly, until I saw this posted...
...neither did I.
I’m a writer and sort of a dog with a bone. A research hound.
When I read the post, I realized that I was too young when this happened to have absorbed any details. But the irony is that I had to dig for about 20 minutes before finding the 2nd source.
There’s a LOT more if you dig, particularly from the original, official reports.
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