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Congressional UFO Hearing Features Eye-Opening UAP Claims
Forbes ^ | Amanda Kooser

Posted on 11/16/2024 4:44:36 AM PST by RoosterRedux

The four witnesses at the congressional UAP hearing provided written testimonies. Here are some of the highlights.

Tim Gallaudet [Rear Admiral (retired)]

Gallaudet called out UAPs as a safety risk for Navy pilots. He was acting as the chief meteorologist for the Navy at the time of the 2015 “Go Fast” encounter between a Navy pilot and UAP. That footage was one of the videos officially released by the Navy in 2020. Gallaudet accused “elements of the government” of engaging in a disinformation campaign designed to discredit UAP whistleblowers. His testimony didn’t use the words “alien” or “extraterrestrial,” but he mentioned “a new realization that we are not the only advanced intelligence in the universe.” Gallaudet called for greater transparency around UAPs.

Luis Elizondo

Elizondo’s testimony was even more direct. The former DOD official claimed the U.S. and some of its adversaries are in possession of UAP technologies. He said “excessive secrecy” has been used to “hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos.”


Michael Gold

Gold is a former NASA administrator focused on space policy. He was part of an independent study team that issued a 2023 report recommending NASA play a prominent role in studying and collecting data on UAPs.


Michael Shellenberger

Shellenberer’s extensive written testimony accused the government of not being transparent about UFOs. He revisited statements made by others, including former military intelligence official David Grusch, who claimed the U.S. government has retrieved alien spacecraft.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: fringe; luiselizondo; michaelgold; michaelshellenberger; ohsomysteriouso; timgallaudet; uap; ufo; ufos
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1 posted on 11/16/2024 4:44:36 AM PST by RoosterRedux
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To: Openurmind; Churchjack; eastforker; Levy78; maddog55; Jonty30; GingisK; Mark17; spirited irish; ...

UFO hearing ping

2 posted on 11/16/2024 4:46:24 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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To: RoosterRedux

I didn’t watch. Did anybody ask Elizondo whether he’s still on the government payroll?

3 posted on 11/16/2024 4:53:19 AM PST by Sirius Lee (Trump/Vance 2024 or GFY)
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To: RoosterRedux

Thanks Rooster. I hope you guys might post some highlights. I have a data throttling issue right now and can’t watch it.

4 posted on 11/16/2024 5:19:41 AM PST by Openurmind
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To: RoosterRedux

The key word is “claims”.

5 posted on 11/16/2024 5:26:44 AM PST by yesthatjallen
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To: RoosterRedux
Thanks RR.

6 posted on 11/16/2024 5:44:43 AM PST by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: RoosterRedux

Congressional UFO review blurred images of something we don’t know what it is but by God were going to throw cast at it and lot’s of it.

7 posted on 11/16/2024 5:50:39 AM PST by Vaduz
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To: yesthatjallen
Yes. The key word is indeed "claims"...but not for the reason you imply.

The reason all these "whistleblowers" have is "claims" is because the DOD is refusing to be honest with the American people about whatever evidence they have.

BTW, Admiral Gallaudet knows there's evidence because pilots interacting with UFOs and UAPs have had to scrub missions because of them. Some of these missions are very compressed (timewise) pre-deployment exercises of carrier groups and scrubbing air training missions because of UAP interference is a very big deal.

This did happen to the carrier USS Roosevelt as it was preparing for deployment to the ME. The DOD grabbed all the records, classified them, and then tried to deny it happened...even to the officers, pilots, and seamen involved.

The same danger applies to civilian and commercial aircraft but the DOD slams the door shut on this matter.

That's why whistleblowers are coming forward and hearings are being held.

8 posted on 11/16/2024 6:12:57 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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To: Openurmind
Here's link to the "FULL HEARING: US Congress discusses "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" – also known as UFOs"

And here's a summary with time markers:

Summary of UAP Congressional Hearing with Time Markers

This joint Congressional hearing on UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) was co-chaired by multiple subcommittees and featured testimony from military officials, scientists, and journalists. Key points included:

Opening Statements (1:42–7:49):

Witness Testimonies:

1. Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet's Testimony (27:04–32:22):

2. Lou Elizondo's Testimony (32:27–37:17):

3. Michael Shellenberger's Testimony (37:36–43:50):

4. Michael Gold's Testimony (43:57–49:13):

Highlighted Incidents:

Closing Remarks (55:07–59:04):

Key New Information:

While the hearing offered significant allegations and insights, concrete evidence such as high-resolution imagery or detailed reports was not disclosed. Much of the discussion relied on whistleblower accounts and classified information.

Summary of UAP Congressional Hearing (Second Hour)

The second hour of this UAP Congressional hearing included a robust discussion among witnesses and members of Congress, touching on UAP-related incidents, government transparency, whistleblower protections, and implications for national security. Below is a summary with key time markers:

Highlights and Key Testimonies:

1. Transmedium Travel and the TikTok Incident (1:00:06–1:02:54)

2. UAPs and Military Installations (1:03:00–1:05:15)

3. Whistleblowers and the "Immaculate Constellation" Program (1:05:15–1:10:15)

4. Biological Effects and Encounters (1:14:15–1:16:50)

5. Civilian and Military Reporting (1:18:15–1:21:04)

Recurring Themes:

Notable Questions and Witness Responses:

1. Admiral Gallaudet on UAP Threats to Pilots (1:58:40)

Admiral Gallaudet emphasized that UAPs pose significant safety risks to both military and civilian pilots, citing near collisions during training exercises.

2. Luis Elizondo on Non-Human Biologics (2:00:00–2:01:30)

Elizondo confirmed reports of recovered materials and biologics allegedly associated with UAPs but deferred detailed discussions to classified settings.

3. Shellenberger on Oceanic UAPs (1:54:01–1:55:40)

Described UAP sightings emerging from and submerging into oceans, suggesting the possibility of underwater bases or operations.

Closing Remarks (2:01:50–2:08:27):

The hearing concluded with bipartisan calls for greater transparency, accountability, and funding for UAP research, as well as protections for whistleblowers willing to come forward with information.

9 posted on 11/16/2024 6:25:31 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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To: RoosterRedux


Your wriiten summary refers to the TikTok incident being discussed at 1:00 to 1:02. and it does sound like the chaiman says TikTok, but I think it was the “tic tac” incident, so called because the alleged craft were described as looking like the little square breath mints. ( on some electrooptical infrared system recording at least)

10 posted on 11/16/2024 7:08:33 AM PST by takebackaustin
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To: RoosterRedux

Holy cow! THANK YOU!

11 posted on 11/16/2024 7:33:14 AM PST by Openurmind
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To: RoosterRedux
"The reason all these "whistleblowers" have is "claims" is because the DOD is refusing to be honest with the American people about whatever evidence they have."

So you claim.

12 posted on 11/16/2024 10:05:28 AM PST by yesthatjallen
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To: RoosterRedux

Do any of these guys own smartphones? Did they capture this alien technology on video?

13 posted on 11/16/2024 10:09:01 AM PST by yesthatjallen
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To: Sirius Lee

They asked the question sorta—they asked what his last government job was...he said something about White House something something...

The Admiral was a much better witness imho.

Lu’s credibility took a big hit after he recently got caught showing an audience a picture of a “mother ship” in Romania that turned out to be a lamp shade.

To be fair—the lamp shade was in Romania.


14 posted on 11/16/2024 10:09:17 AM PST by cgbg (It is time to pull the Deep State out of the mass media--like ticks from a dog.)
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To: yesthatjallen
So you claim.

No. It is not my claim.

This is the claim of the whistleblowers. Read the posts and threads on this subject. Watch the videos on the hearings. I would have thought you would have wanted to do so before offering your opinion on this subject.

And you are the one who makes the "claim" that they are lying.

There are soldiers, Marines, admirals, generals, colonels, NCOs galore who have made this claim under oath in front of Congress and behind closed doors in classified hearings.

It's your "claim" against theirs.

15 posted on 11/16/2024 10:47:43 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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To: Openurmind
ChatGPT did all that.

I gave it the transcript from Youtube and asked for a formatted summary in html (so I could post it directly to FR) with time markers (the original transcript had time toggles).

Since the transcript was over 2 hours, I broke it into 2 one hour segments for ease of processing.

Pretty amazing, isn't it?

16 posted on 11/16/2024 11:07:08 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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To: RoosterRedux

Well I appreciate it very much! Yep pretty cool!

17 posted on 11/16/2024 11:22:49 AM PST by Openurmind
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18 posted on 11/16/2024 2:34:04 PM PST by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: RoosterRedux
"There are soldiers, Marines, admirals, generals, colonels, NCOs galore who have made this claim under oath in front of Congress and behind closed doors in classified hearings. It's your "claim" against theirs."

As Arthur C. Clark said, 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'. I see no evidence; only 'claims'. Contemporary men who don't think to take out their HD smartphone camera and record what they allegedly see.

All we're left is with are their 'claims'.

19 posted on 11/16/2024 2:35:06 PM PST by yesthatjallen
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To: yesthatjallen

I think we both agree that proof is essential—but digging for answers requires more than dismissing every claim out of hand. If we limit our imaginations to only the possibilities we already understand, how can we expect to expand our knowledge? We need to look critically, yet remain open-minded, rather than waiting for answers to be handed to us on a silver platter. After all, isn’t that the essence of intellectual curiosity?

I understand your skepticism about anecdotal evidence, but labeling all witness testimony as mere “claims” feels dismissive to me. Are we really to believe that soldiers, admirals, and others who have served with distinction are all deluded or dishonest? This kind of rigidity risks closing the door on valuable insights. Rejecting anecdotal evidence as a rule may shield us from gullibility, but it also risks blinding us to truths that might emerge through careful investigation.

BTW, you mentioned the phrase, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” attributing it to Arthur C. Clarke. It’s actually Carl Sagan who popularized that idea. Clarke’s work, while visionary, focused more on imagining the future of science and technology than on making philosophical statements about evidence. It’s a minor point, but it underscores the importance of precision when dealing with big ideas, which is precisely why we can’t just reject credible claims outright.

20 posted on 11/16/2024 3:37:05 PM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." They failed. )
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