1 posted on
10/13/2024 7:21:34 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
Why can’t the just keep their legs together and their pants zipped? Wear a dang condom or take a pill. It ain’t rocket science. But nooo, they’d rather k!ll an innocent baby. Monsters.
2 posted on
10/13/2024 7:34:09 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
Willful abortion supporters are evil. Abortion zeitgeist supports are not critical thinkers (read white suburban women).
3 posted on
10/13/2024 7:42:15 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
Call Whoopi. She has empathy to bestow upon you.
8 posted on
10/13/2024 8:59:23 PM PDT by
(Child slavery, rape and drug OD's mean nothing to Roberts and Barrett. )
To: Morgana
Even with survival, this type of injury could also result in a permanent inability to carry a child, a scarred cervix, pelvic abscesses, or other lifelong conditions. I find I have little sympathy for women who become permanently damaged from their decision to get pregnant and have an abortion because it was more convenient to do that than to make any effort to avoid getting pregnant.
9 posted on
10/13/2024 11:02:25 PM PDT by
(Dr. exDemMom, infectious disease and vaccines research specialist.)
To: Morgana
The “abortion” slobs almost kill them and then they expect real doctors and nurses to save the woman’s life. That’s some FAR-LEFT WEIRD CRAP.
10 posted on
10/14/2024 3:45:36 AM PDT by
(I've never heard an illegal alien tell a reporter that they came here for U.S. citizenship. No once.)
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