Immunity compromised?
I question why/how was it compromised?
No one is say so it must have been
you know, that thing!
I too question how this little lady’s immune system was compromised. Did she acquire infection with the HIV-1 virus, herpesvirus-6, or the Epstein-Barr virus? Did she use use addictive drugs, or have malnutrition?.
“No one is say so it must have been you know, that thing!”
Actually that’s the only thing that the kooks here do blame, despite having zero evidence that “that thing” played any role in a patient’s condition, as in this case.
If you wanted to guess why the woman suffered “severe immune compromise” then secondary autoimmune neutropenia would be a good guess. So would leukemia. Lymphoma. Myeloma. Diseases that can damage the immune system.
What you wouldn’t guess, unless you knew next to nothing about biology, is a vaccine. Vaccines contain antigens that provoke the immune system to respond. But then an absence of knowledge never slows down the kook team.